5 Tips for Survival

Posted On: 2015-05-21

So many people come into this industry every year because they think that making money here is easy and yet, within 12 months, most of them are gone and within two years most of those who managed to last more than 12 months have also crashed and burned.

It's sad that all those high hopes are dashed simply because people are not prepared for the realities of being an adult webmaster so here are five tips that may help you survive. Unfortunately there are no guarantees that even by following these tips your survival will be assured but if you do follow them you may have a better chance of surviving.

Forget the idea of easy money
It was very easy to make money in the online adult industry once, but that was years ago, many years ago. Today the reality is that it may take you months before you will see your first payment from a sponsor and then it may be months before you see your second payment.

If you have come into this industry because you need money right now then you will be sadly disappointed because the age of instant money has gone and will never come back.

Anyone can make a fortune here
The reality is that making money here is far from easy. It's a steep learning curve and you need to learn how to encourage surfers, who have access to huge amounts of free porn, to actually want to pay for some. That's a lesson you need to learn fast because you won't make any money until you do.

Even when you do start to make money here somehow turning it into a fortune, or even enough to put food on your table, is not as simple as you might think. You have to have an insatiable hunger for success and not want to slip into your own comfort zone. There is no comfort zone for people who want to succeed; there challenge after another that needs to be conquered and exploited.

You can do it all for free
There is a serious misconception amongst newbies that you can make money here in adult without it costing you anything. That misconception is just so totally wrong!

Sure, sponsors offer free content and some even offer free hosting but this industry is no different to any other type of business on the planet. Out there in the real world you get what you pay for and the same thing applies here. If you want to make money then you need to be prepared to spend money and if you want to make serious money then you have to be prepared to spend serious money.

It's a simple fact of life and if you encounter anyone who tells you differently then run away from them as fast as you can because they are going to destroy you.

You need to continually reinvest in your business
Getting your first decent payment from a sponsor can be a heady experience and it's always tempting to want to go out and spend it on those luxuries that you couldn't afford before it arrived. Lots of people do that but it's probably the last thing you should do with that first payment.

What you should be doing, instead of blowing that money on things you can live without, is reinvesting it in your business. Buy better software or hardware that will improve your productivity. Buy better content that will be encourage more people to go over to your sponsors. Buy traffic so you can get more people heading through your websites or hire a virtual assistant so you can get more done.

The more money you wisely reinvest in your business the more money you will make ... it's a simple concept that rarely fails.

Choose your friends and mentors wisely
There are a lot of clueless people here who would have you believe that they are incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to this industry. There are also a lot of people here who want to be your friend because they want to rip you off.

Some of both types of people are very clever at hiding their true colors and they fool a lot of people so tread carefully as you explore and participate in the various webmaster communities that cater for those in the adult industry. The last thing you need, if you want to survive, is to waste your time following advice that is never going to work or getting conned by people who will take your money and deliver nothing in return.

So there are five tips for you to keep in mind. Making money in this industry is not impossible but it is definitely not as easy as most people outside the industry seem to think.