A Perfect Day to be Lazy

Posted On: 2007-08-02

Have I ever been lazy today! It's well into the afternoon and I'm only just now starting today's article but it's just been one of those days where it's been too good to waste it working.

That's one of the real pleasures of working in the online adult industry. The zeros to the right of the dollars sign on sponsor checks are great but so is the ability to take some time off when you really need to. Today was one of those days when we decided, just on the spur of the moment, that it was too nice a day to waste so we jumped in the car and went up the coast for a bit.

I guess having a break was something we really needed to do and the need had just crept up on us because we usually stay glued to the keyboards on weekdays ... but not today. We had an excuse; we needed a book that we couldn't get here in town, so we took it and went north to a bookshop where we knew we could find it. Then we wandered over to the coast and had coffee at a café right on the beach before we came back home to work.

Perhaps if most of our clients weren't heading to Internext we might have been more dedicated and stayed home ... but it was just too nice a day and they were all going off to have fun so ...

Now if you've just read what I've written so far and found that you're wishing you could take a break like that then obviously it's time you did so. I know that when you come into this industry you think that you really do have to work all day every day ... and most of the night as well ... but it's important that you do take regular breaks away from the computer.

You need to find time to get of whatever room you use for an office and mix with real people out there in the real world. You need to feel the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair and you need to do it as often as possible.

If just taking a break makes you feel guilty ... or you just won't do it unless you have an excuse ... then find one. If you can't find an excuse make one up. Heck we didn't really have to drive an hour up the coast to buy a book - we could have bought it online and saved time and money - but we also knew that we needed an excuse to take a break.

If you can't think of a reasonable excuse to get out of the house tell yourself that you need to do some market research and go out and have a look at the way mainstream businesses advertise. Go and do a little people watching and observe them as they go about their daily business. You can even learn valuable marketing lessons on the beach as you observe people.

See? You can find perfectly valid reasons for getting outdoors and mixing with the real world if you just stop and think about it for a few moments.

I know you'll want to stay at home working because that's the only way you think you're going to make money but there comes a time when you need a break. Not only will you feel physically drained but you'll be mentally drained as well and making money won't be as easy as it was. That's the perfect time to take a break so that you can come back refreshed with new ideas and an eagerness to get on and build your next free site or gallery.

Don't believe me? Try it, take a break and go and do something far away from your computer. Spend a whole day doing it and then see how you feel when you come back to your computer the next day. The chances are that you will find that you're just as refreshed as what Steve and I are and when you're refreshed you'll find that you'll make even more money.

Google and the Supplemental Index
If you're not sure just what the Google Supplemental Index is then, to cut a long story short, perhaps you should think of it as the place Google consigns all those pages that it considers to be of lesser importance. In lots of ways it's a graveyard for web pages because Google's spiders didn't visit pages that are in the supplemental index very often and to get pages out of the supplemental index required some work.

Recently Google announced that it would be dropping the label that allowed webmasters to identify whether or not their web pages had been buried and that raised some loud protests because, without the label, how would we know what pages were dead?

Now it seems that Google may have changed its mind just a little. The tag that told us that pages were in the supplemental index will not be making a comeback but Google will be indexing those pages more frequently ... but that may not start for a month or two and even then it will still be important to know which of your pages are in the supplemental index. If you want to find that information now that the supplemental tag has gone a visit to Matt Cutts own blog might be in order.

And now that I've imparted that little gem I'm off to enjoy the rest of the day ... spending time getting refreshed for the work ahead is time that's never wasted so I think I'll do a little bit more of it.