After Two Glasses of Wine

Posted On: 2015-08-12

Do you have problems looking beyond the end of your nose?

You know, that clearly defined white space beyond the end of your nose where you spend most of the time working, building sites and galleries, slaving away to put food on your table by selling porn. When was the last time you could look beyond that and start to think about what more you could be doing?

When was the last time you let yourself think big or even dared to dream about what you could be doing to build your online business and turn it into something really profitable?

Have you ever been able to do that or are you so rooted in the here and now that you can’t let your mind wander to consider possibilities and dream about what might be? Is your mind so rusted onto the here and now that all you can think of is the next free site, the next gallery, the latest sponsor ... or whatever else that is now and is holding you to right now?

Well maybe you need something to help you escape because, if you can’t dream, you will always be where you are right now and is that really where you want to be? Probably not so here is my solution for escaping the pressing problems of right now so that I can dream and think about things that are so far out beyond the end of my nose that I can’t see them.

My solution is two glasses of wine ... preferably red ... and preferably consumed with someone who understands the business we’re in, isn’t afraid to dream big and certainly isn’t going to put me down for the thoughts that might come bubbling up out of my subconscious.

Yep, just two glasses of wine, a friend or lover who is on the same wavelength, a willingness to consider all possibilities and dismiss nothing as being beyond my ability to achieve, and a pad of paper and a pen to jot those ideas down.

It might not be politically correct to suggest that we should drink wine, or any other alcoholic beverage for that matter, to help us think but then we’re in the business of selling porn so political correctness really doesn’t enter into it. So drink your wine, or whatever your favorite tipple might be, and unleash your mind from the shackles of right now and let it discover what might be hiding in the recesses of your subconscious.

I am sure that you will be surprised at what your mind dumps onto that pad that is in front of you. Don’t dismiss anything as impractical ... don’t hold back, get it all down on the pad ... empty your brain and then start to doodle your way out from each of things that you have on your pad.

Don’t think about right now, think about what might be. Think about what might make you soar rather than what might hold you back.

Don’t argue with "common sense"; leave that behind you and accept that anything and everything is possible for no other reason than it is. Arguing or debating with what common sense might try to tell you does nothing but tie you to the "right now".

If you really do want to succeed then forget common sense, be a little crazy ... hell ... be a lot crazy ... be batshit crazy ... and let go of the "right now" and get out there and turn what might be into a real possibility.

Did the Google twins scratch their heads and wonder how on earth they would ever be able to index the world’s information? Maybe they did ... but not at first ... at first they just decided to do it. It might have been crazy, it might have been beyond the capabilities right then ... but they decided that they would have a crack at it.

They dreamed big and now they are big. They thought up crazy ideas and then they made them happen. They started in a garage and now they rule their empire from something much more palatial.

They didn’t stop to think that their idea could never work. They just decided that they could do it and then started putting one foot after the other on the journey to their goals.

So dream big but don’t just dream. Start the journey, start putting one foot in front of the other because there is no other way to achieve your goals. Dreams are good, thinking big is wonderful, but to make those dreams and big thoughts happen you have to make the journey.

Are you on a journey? If you’re not then you’re not going anywhere but backwards.

And now I think that it’s time for my third glass of wine.