Always Ask Why

Posted On: 2014-11-26

Starting off in this business can be totally confusing.

Over the years I've seen a few people come into this industry from a marketing background but mostly newcomers here have no background in selling anything online. Instead most newcomers start here because they like to look at porn and then decide that it might be a great way of making money.

So their view of how to sell porn is colored by what they want to see and how they want to see it and that's just totally wrong. Instead of looking to titillate and tantalise with as few images or video clips as possible and then encourage surfers to sign up with their sponsor if they want to see more, most newcomers think that they've got to throw as many images and full-length videos at the surfers as they can.

Instead of encouraging people to sign up with carefully crafted marketing messages most newcomers seem to think that they can wear surfers down to the point where they will be happy to sign up just so they can escape the deluge of free porn. And that doesn't just apply to newcomers with no background in marketing. I've seen more than a few people with marketing experience who think that making money here depends entirely on drowning surfers in free porn.

So most experienced webmasters who want to help newcomers will tell them that less is very definitely more when it comes to making money here and that's great advice because that's the way it is.

But if you're a newcomer, or even if you're not so new, you should never take advice at face value. What do you learn by simply by taking something that someone says and accepting it as the unalterable truth? Might you not learn far more if, instead of just accepting everything you're told, you ask why that advice is good?

Instead of blindly accepting what others might tell you asking why gives you the chance to learn and understand more about things that might confuse you or that you might not be aware of. Asking why gives you the chance to seek out other opinions ... it gives you permission to do some research of your own ... to extend your knowledge base ... to discover ways of doing things that you might not have discovered if you had blindly listened to what someone told you.

Asking why also gives you the chance to avoid falling into the deep and expensive trap of taking advice from someone who really doesn't know what they're talking about. All too often people will give you advice that is just plain wrong. Perhaps they don't have the faintest clue regarding what they're talking about. Perhaps they do know something about the subject but they may not know enough to give you helpful advice.

Sadly few people are prepared to admit that they don't know enough about a subject when someone asks them for help. Instead of admitting that they don't know the answer they'll offer helpful suggestions that may be anything but helpful ... but you won't have any chance of knowing how unhelpful those suggestions might be if you don't question them.

Another reason why you should question just about everything you are told regarding this industry is because no one in this industry knows everything. If they did then the rest of us could just pack our bags and go back to flipping burgers because we would have no hope.

By questioning how and why things are done here in this industry you just might find a completely new angle that could work wonders for you. Asking why you should do something and letting your brain spend some time looking at the question from every possible angle may take some time but it might just give you a glimpse of something that is definitely worth pursuing.

"Why do we ...?" is the first question you should ask yourself every day and if you want to succeed in this industry it's a question that you should be asking yourself all day every day. This is the land of the Internet ... a land where things are constantly changing and evolving ... so why should we believe that the things we do to make money are set in stone?

When our thoughts are set in stone then we lose the ability to change and evolve just as our market place is changing and evolving so always ... always ... ask yourself why and never accept anything at face value.