Another Look at Headlines

Posted On: 2010-11-22

For the last few columns here on Rated Hot I've been looking at words and just how important they are to any webmaster who wants to get involved in any type of affiliate marketing.

As I pointed out in one of those columns there are some who don't think that words have any level of importance when it comes to selling porn. Those guys think that it's all about the images you show surfers who hit your website. Those guys think that the harder images that they show the more sales they're going to make.

Now that's an interesting theory and there is just a glimmer of fact tucked away in that theory. If you find a new niche ... something that has never been exploited before ... then hardcore images are going to work for you. They're going to make sales for you because people will get a hint of what they can see and they will want to see more.

However if you're working a niche that has been flogged to death for years ... and these days what hardcore niche hasn't been flogged to death ... then the idea that showing people plenty of hardcore images will result in great sales is just plain wrong!

How do I know it's wrong? Well that's simple and all you have to do is look at all the hardcore images that people are throwing up on their galleries and free sites and then look at all the adult webmasters who say that they're struggling. If hardcore images worked by themselves then we would all be rolling in clover ... even in these tough economic times!

But images by themselves don't work by themselves here and they don't work over in mainstream either. As well as images you also need to use text and the most important text that you need to use are those 7 to 11 words that appear in your headline ... that brief burst of text that catches a person's attention and makes them want to see ... and read ... more.

With a good headline your gallery or free site will stand out from all the others and you will stand a much better chance of making money than those who don't use effective text on their sites.

So if the headline is so important how can you learn to write a headline that will catch people's attention? Are there courses that can teach you? Are there books that can teach you? Are there online tutorials that can teach you?

Well the answer to all those questions is yes ... there are courses and there are books and there are online tutorials but if you really want to learn from the masters ... the people who really know how to write a headline and are paid big money for each headline they write ... then you'll head down to your local supermarket and stand in line at the checkout.

Yes, standing in line at the checkout is where you will learn how to write a great headline that will catch the attention of people and encourage them to buy. All you have to do is take a look at the magazines and tabloids that are in the racks there at the checkout all clamoring for attention.

Look at the headlines that you see on the covers of those magazines and front pages of the tabloids. Look at how lurid they are ... how short they are ... how compelling they are ... and look at how many people pick them up and put them with their groceries.

You see the highest paid copywriters in the industry ... the highest paid people who write compelling text that always results in big sales ... are the people who write those lurid headlines. Any copywriter worth employing will always look at those headlines on the magazines and tabloids you will see at the checkout.

Most copywriters won't admit that they check those headlines out ... I mean how could a copywriter for some multi-million dollar advertising company admit that he or she reads that rubbish ... but they do.

My Steve is quite adept at writing eye-catching headlines and he hates standing around waiting for something to happen but when Steve and I go shopping at the supermarket he never complains when we have to wait in line at the checkout. I also know that he won't hear a word I say if I speak to him while we're waiting.

He's focused on those headlines. He hasn't got the slightest interest in reading any of those crappy articles but he's looking at the headlines because he knows that it's those headlines that sell the magazines and tabloids and if a good headline can sell a magazine in the highly-competitive marketplace that's the magazine rack at a checkout then a good headline will also sell a membership in an adult site.

So when you want to learn how to write a good headline head for your local supermarket and learn from the masters who really do know how to make text sell a product.