Are You a Cyber Telemarketer?

Posted On: 2014-04-10

Ah telemarketers ... you do so have to admire their persistence ... they carry on with their little script even when they know that you're not interested and desperately trying to get rid of them.

I just had one on the phone a few moments ago and he was so persistent that a few moments after I hung up on him he rang back and launched back into the script that he had to read from.

You have to wonder how many people these telemarketers have to call before they actually make a sale and in some ways I felt really sorry for this guy because his Indian accent was so strong I could hardly understand him. If I couldn't understand what he was saying then what hope did he have of ever making a sale.

You may wonder why I even bother talking to them in the first place ... my partner Steve ends the call as soon as he realises that he is talking to a telemarketer ... but I have to admit that I have something of a soft spot for those guys.

The fact is that I sort of know what they're going through ... many years ago I worked as a telemarketer selling phone plans. However, the people I worked for were different to those who are behind the telemarketers that will call you these days.

The people I worked for provided us with a very short introductory script and then left it up to us to sell the product and if you could think on your feet you almost certainly make the sale ... and most of the people I worked with had sales figures that today's telemarketers could only dream of.

Those great figures weren't achieved by offering more than our employer would provide and we certainly didn't tell lies. We achieved those great figures by talking to the person on the other end rather than just regurgitating a script that allowed little in the way of interaction.

Most of us found that the more we interacted with the person on the other end of the phone the more chance we had of making a sale.

So why is it that so many telemarketing companies don't give that same freedom to their workers. Why must these poor workers stick to a script that allows no interaction? Don't they know that one size does not fit all ... that one script is not going to get them the sales that they so desperately want?

Of course it's not hard to draw a parallel between those telemarketers and many adult webmasters who are out there trying to make a buck from galleries and free sites and it's worth comparing those telemarketers and their scripts to what you're doing to make a buck in this industry?

Are you doing the same old thing ... producing the same old tired galleries that barely entertain let alone encourage people to buy? Are you hoping that if enough people see what you're producing then maybe one or two might buy?

Sure ... you may be living the dream and working from home ... being your own boss and doing your own thing ... but is the reality that you're in just the same situation as those tired worker ants who trudge into work every day and sit in front of their phones calling people and trying to sell what no one wants to buy?

The fact is that many adult webmasters are in exactly the same situation but they're too afraid to admit it to themselves. Are you one of them?

I seriously do not know how today's current crop of telemarketers can do what they do ... it's about as soul-destroying as it gets. Back when I was doing it I loved going to work ... every day was different ... every day I was interacting with people who were fun to talk to ... and that's how your days should be.

You shouldn't be dragging yourself out of bed each morning to do yet another round of build and submit ... build and submit. You shouldn't be gathering up a bucket load of images and tipping them into another tired and worn out gallery template.

Instead you should be excited about every single day ... you should be looking for new ways to interact with the people who hit your websites. And right there is an important point .... start thinking of them as people and not just worthless porn surfers.

These are the people who put food on your table so treat them with some respect ... treat them as you would want to be treated if you were on the other side of the business.

Treat them as real people and discover ways of interacting with them and you will make far more money than if you go on acting like a cyber-telemarketer.