Are You As Good As You Think You Are?

Posted On: 2015-10-16

I was reading a very interesting sales email the other day. If you're like me you probably get a dozen or more sales emails every day from various people who want to sell you stuff. And, if you're like me most of those emails go straight into the trash.

But not every sales email I get goes straight into the trash. There are one or two that I almost always read because, apart from trying to sell me something, they always set out to educate their readers and get them thinking about how to become better marketers.

There's a little tip for you right there; if you're into email marketing and your opening rates suck then look at what you're putting in those emails and give people a reason to read them ... and they will.

However that's not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to talk about illusory superiority ... just try typing that word before you've had your first coffee of the morning.

You will find illusory superiority in most people so it's almost certain that you will find it in many of the people who want to look at porn. Illusory Superiority is the name that psychologists give to a natural tendency that we have to overestimate our abilities.

Just ask any sex worker, she may not know the term but she will certainly have seen that tendency in most of her clients. They think that they are the hottest sex machines on the planet and most of them can't last five minutes but, if she's really good at what she does, she will make it sound as if she's never had a better lover and her client will go away happy.

And without knowing it she has just done exactly the right thing when it comes to illusory superiority. She's just confirmed what they thought about themselves and that will encourage them to come back and see her again. I used to be a sex worker and, while I may not have heard of illusory superiority, I certainly knew how it worked.

And it can work for you in this industry too ... but perhaps the first thing you have to do is to admit to yourself that you're probably not as great a marketer as you thought you were. If you know how the system works I guess it's important that you don't fall victim to it yourself.

So how can you use illusory superiority to make more sales? Well in this industry it's probably easier to make your surfers feel superior than it is for sex works to make their clients feel superior. Over there most guys are only a heartbeat away from a happy ending and if it comes too quickly then it's hard to maintain that illusion of superiority ... but here things are different.

Here there's not the warm soft skin, the full breasts and hard nipples that they can touch and there's not the smell of sex that can make them come way too quickly. Here things are different. Here you have to tap into their fantasies and build the picture of their conquests ... beautiful woman who can't wait to enjoy all that your sex-machine surfers can give them.

Here we're dealing with both fantasies and illusory superiority and it's all in the brain so you can build them up and shuffle them off to your sponsor for that final gratification.

But there's one important thing to keep in your mind here. If you don't know what you are talking about, if you haven't experienced at least the very basics, then no matter how hard you try to convince your surfers that you know as much as they do then you will fail miserably.

Only a couple of days ago I was reading an erotic story by someone I actually know and in the story she had tried to include an anal sex scene. The only problem was that it was fairly obvious that she has never had anal sex and I couldn't read any more ... she completely lost me.

If you want to tap into the whole illusory superiority thing then you need to be able to clearly identify yourself as someone who is the equal of those you are trying to connect with. If you come across as someone who is not their equal then your potential customers won't listen to you and won't buy what you're selling.

So are you as good as you think you are?