Are You Serious?

Posted On: 2016-05-31

I went to an interesting business meeting yesterday. The meeting was organized to give about 60 new small business owners a chance to sit down with more experienced business owners and get some help and guidance on how to grow their business.

All the experienced guys turned up but, while 60 new business owners registered to attend, only around a quarter of them actually showed up. While the organizers were very disappointed I have to admit that the poor turnout didn't really surprise me.

Such a high number of registrations and a low number of actual attendees is not something that is restricted to the world of bricks and mortar. Here in Internet Land you see lots of very experienced and talented people promoting webinars and they get lots of people registering for the event.

And why wouldn't people register for those webinars? There's lots of great information, tips and guidance given away for free and all the attendees have to do is be in front of their computers at a set time.

You would think that these webinars would be full by the appointed time but that's rarely the case. Most webinars that have more people register than they could handle don't have a problem because only about a third of the people who register actually turn up.

Why are those figures so poor here on the Net and over in the real world? Why do so many people register for these free events but then don't bother to turn up?

The answer is simple. It's not because other things come up. It's not because people are too lazy to attend. It's because far too many people are just not serious about their business. If they were serious they would be taking every opportunity to get free help to build their business ... but they're not serious, they're just playing games.

To them, being in business is a game that they play and it stays a game because it's too much like hard work to actually build a business. They like to look like a business person. They like to act like a business person. They like friends to think that they're bold and brave and innovative because they appear to be a business person but the reality is that they're just playing a game ... acting out a role.

Oh, to many of them though it's not a game. They think that they really are business people but when things get a little tough or they have to do a little hard work it's easy not to turn up and it's easy to blame everyone else for their failures.

It's easy to waste people's time and make excuses to cover for your inability to achieve anything when you're not serious. So how serious are you?

Are you playing at being an adult webmaster ... are you getting off on posting hardcore videos and images to the Net and then complaining about not making much money because you're not really serious about making a genuine effort?

If you're not serious about being here ... if you're not willing to stop playing at being an adult webmaster and start actually doing the hard work ... then it's time you left and went back to whatever you were doing before you came here.

The fact is that if you want to succeed here ... or over in mainstream ... then you've got to stop playing at being an online marketer. You've got to stop looking like one and start being one. You've got to stop thinking of it as a game and start accepting the reality ... and the reality is that the rewards only come when you make an effort.

If you want to succeed, then you've got to turn up ... and turning up is just the start. Instead of spending time playing the game you have to spend time learning and then spend even more time doing.

If you are serious then there is simply no other way. If you want to be then you have to do and go on doing it day after day, week after week and month after month. You have to go on being serious and not stop simply because it's all too hard.

If it is going to be all too hard then you're not serious and you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here wasting your time and wasting our time too.

If you want to play at being something here in this industry then just go away, we don't have time for you. But if you are serious then start doing what it takes to make real money here. There is simply no other way.