Beware - Brain Doodle Ahead

Posted On: 2007-10-22

So many of us are caught up in the cycle of building new sites and new galleries and getting them submitted to all the traffic sources we can find just as fast as we can. For most of us that's one or two sites and/or galleries a day and we're doing it day after day after day.

When you stop to think about it that makes us not much different to those mice you sometimes see running on tread mills. They're running like crazy and burning up their lives and not getting anywhere.

Of course our treadmill produces traffic and sales and that means money in our pockets but what if we could break that treadmill and do something slightly different and still get the same return in traffic and sales?

I've just been reading a piece by a blogger who suggested that the online community is now stuck in information overload where they just get so much information that they can't handle it and slowly lose interest. Well if the mainstream surfers are like that then isn't it possible that the porn surfers are suffering just the same amount of information overload?

Maybe these days there are just too many places they can go to get the action they want so why can't we take advantage of that 'overload' and offer them some relief ... somewhere 'quiet' they can go and still find all the action they want? Something that gives them in one place what they now go looking for in numerous places

You might think that they already have those places and they're called TGPs and link lists and there is no doubt that they're out there and attracting surfers but what if you could provide them with that ... plus something a little different as well?

What I have in mind is something that was suggested a few years ago but back then it wasn't quite so easy to do because there were no RSS feeds around in those days. Perhaps it's a bit like a hub; perhaps it's a bit focused on specific niches; perhaps it's even a bit more softcore that what you might be used to. Perhaps it's even a crossover between mainstream and adult.

Remember the title says that this is just a brain doodle so it's going to imprecise and vague but maybe it's a framework that you can build something on.

So let's start with breakfast. There are lots of people who get up in the morning and hit their favorite newspaper's website and read the news while they get ready for work. So why not produce a site that pulls in the headlines and the sports news ... and gives them a few glamour shots that change every day as well?

You could easily make the site safe for those who want to check it through the day while they're at work too. There are plenty of glamour sites out there to promote and even if you wanted to promote something a little harder there are certainly images around that you could do that with too.

Of course on those softcore and 'safe' sites you could also have links to something harder. On those harder sites you could still use RSS feeds to pull in 'news' and 'information' that have a much more adult focus. Perhaps even add in a section for the 'latest news' that might encourage your surfers to come back several times a night.

On the harder sites you could list your own galleries and free sites and fill it out with plenty of free hosted gallery links as well. Just to keep them interested make sure that the galleries and other links change every day ... give them plenty of eye candy to look at and even add in some hardcore stories too.

Some paysite reviews would work here as well as would some feeds from dating sites and any other site that adults would be interested in after dark. These days with so many different feeds available there would be some parts of the site that you could almost set up and then leave running automatically.

Well that's my brain doodle and maybe there is something there that you can build on. ... it kind of grew over the weekend while we moved the business into new offices. The move went smoothly enough, my desk is set up and my part of the business is open but the guy we share floor space with is still looking at a mountain of boxes ... and he's been unpacking since yesterday afternoon.

I guess that's one good think about working online ... packing up the physical side of the business is as simple as unplugging your computer and unpacking at the other end is just as simple.