Business, Borders and Toolbars

Posted On: 2008-10-02

Wow, when I got up this morning I didn't realize that it was going to turn into such a crazy day. If I had known I might have stayed in bed all day but ignorance is bliss and now I'm up there's a ton of work we have to get through before dinner.

I was just chatting with an industry friend and comparing notes and with the amount of work that we've both got ahead of us you would be forgiven for thinking that there was no such thing as a recession looming. With both adult and mainstream he and I are going to be busy for a very long time.

I sure hope it's that way for you too because it's nice to be able to look at the diary and see so much work piled up there. Of course if you're new to the industry then your future may not be quite so crowded with work but it's still possible to succeed here.

If you're providing a service to webmasters all you have to do is provide quality work at a reasonable price and be prepared to work hard to meet deadlines and you will succeed. The biggest complaints I hear about service providers in both mainstream and adult are all about poor quality work and an inability to meet even the most reasonable deadlines.

So all you have to do to succeed is to get out there and look for the work and out-perform the competition and you won't be short of jobs that will put food on your table.

Take care crossing the border
You may not have heard the news but recently US Customs were given the legal right to seize and inspect the laptops of people who are crossing the border into the United States. Evidently the new law allows Customs to detain you for up to four hours and inspect all the hard drives that are in your possession.

So if you're heading into the United States by plane, boat or car what will the US Customs Service find on your laptop?

I'd strongly recommend that you don't take any adult material across the border on your laptop and if you like to use pirated programs or download pirated music and movies then I'd be sure to remove them from your laptop too. The laws regarding pirated material are very strict in the United States and if you're caught with that material in your possession then you're going to be facing a heck of a lot of pain.

Even US citizens heading home from an overseas trip can be searched so no one is immune. If you simply have to have some questionable material for your visit to the United States then send ahead of you via an upload to a server. If you haven't got space on your own server there are plenty of online data storage options for you to choose from.

Toolbar updates
Google has just released an updated version of its infamous toolbar ... and if you haven't downloaded a copy of it then you should. They've incorporated some new features that make mainstream search even more interesting and now you can even allow Google to keep what they call a 'Web History' for you too.

And of course that's there to help you ... the surfer ... have a much more enjoyable experience when you're surfing the Net. It has nothing to do with providing Google with even more information about an individual's web-surfing habits does it?

Of course not ... and I believe in Santa Claus too.

StumbleUpon hasn't updated its toolbar, instead it's offering users a way to dispense with the toolbar all together. Now, users won't see the toolbar but instead will see a small frame that loads on top of the website that they're visiting.

I'm not sure how popular that will be with StumbleUpon members ... personally having something covers part of the page I'm looking at really bugs the crap out of me. Even having a faded Twhirl panel open on one of my screens is something I find annoying.

I'm sure that StumbleUpon will be watching the response closely though because they currently have around 6 million members and they won't want to annoy any of those. Those six million members submit more than 35,000 new URLs every single day so maybe it's worth looking at ... even for adult.

If Twistys can get a promotional video onto YouTube then I'm sure there are ways of you getting something listed on StumbleUpon. Sure it might take a little creativity but just think of all those members ... six million of them ... that's a huge number of people to market your products to.

And now I'm off to face the insanity that is ahead of me today. See you all next week.