Build Your Own Links ...

Posted On: 2006-11-01

... and get your own traffic

Anyone who builds a website and is even moderately serious about getting their website into a good position in Google ... and the other search engines for that matter ... could be excused for becoming totally confused within a very short space of time.

They build a website that focuses on a specific niche, they fill it full of great original content, they even go so far as to submit it to the search engines rather than waiting to be found and ... nothing happens. After a little research they find out about the aging process (formerly known as the sand box) and so they wait.

While they wait they add even more great original content but even when their site is finally released into the wild they still don't score the position they think they deserve. Despite the fact that they have done exactly what Google said they should do and provide a great experience and great content for the surfers Google still doesn't reward them for their efforts.

Instead Google lists their sites behind others that are totally crap, devoid of original content and nothing but a surfer trap. And that's the point where the real confusion sets in because they've done exactly what Google wanted and yet they see other worthless sites doing far better than they are.

Of course you and I know that you don't always believe what Google says and talk of relevant original content is basically just a lot of hot air when it comes to good search engine placement. What really matters to the search engines is the number of inbound links a site may, or may not have.

Interestingly what many of us in adult have known for quite some time seems to be a bit of a revelation to some in mainstream SEO and at least one mainstream SEO group are discussing that right now. They've come to the same conclusion as those of us in adult have, good search engine placement has little to do with content and a lot to do with links.

Of course mainstream SEO have always been interested in links but now they are beginning to see just how vitally important those links can be but how to go about getting those links doesn't seem to have sunk in for them just yet.

Those guys are still working with their old link strategies of getting out there and get links from other people. They do the daily grind of writing to other site owners begging for links and to some degree that does work for them.

But I wonder how many of them have stopped to think that there might be some alternatives to their linking strategy and those alternatives might be over here in adult?

It might sound rather strange when I suggest that adult webmasters have never been big on trading links. Of course with every free site and gallery we build we do trade links but those free sites and galleries link trades are more about getting traffic from link lists and TGPs than they are about getting the search engines to notice us.

Instead the guys who rank well in the search engines for prime adult terms these days have used another strategy to get those good positions. Sure they use links to get those prime spots but they don't go out trading links with other adult sites.

What many of them do is to develop a linking strategy that only involves their own sites and that's something you don't seem to see much of in mainstream. While mainstream are begging for links the adult SEOs are building more and more sites on more and more domains spread across many IP addresses and even across many servers on many different hosts.

These guys don't go crazy and interlink every site they own because that would soon be spotted by the search engines and all their hard work would be undone. So rather than do that they carefully plot their linking structure to ensure that the maximum benefit passes to those sites that they want at the top of the search engine results pages.

When you think about the work involved in this method you will soon see that it's not something that works overnight. It can take a long time to build a system that works like that but it is definitely something that you should be working at.

Search engine traffic is still the most productive traffic out there whether you're talking mainstream or adult and it you want it then that's the way to go out and get it.