Getting Back in the Groove

Posted On: 2013-07-12

Well here I am on another Friday and I should be feeling good about it. It's Friday ... what's not to love about Friday? It's that day of the week that always comes before the weekend ... those two wonderfully magical days when you can step away from the computer and ...

Of course for most adult webmasters Friday is just another day that falls before two more days that you can spend sitting in front of your computer churning out galleries and free sites and doing everything else that you have to do to survive ... and this weekend we'll be working too.

And after you've been working like that for far too long it all becomes a bit depressing. You lose the urge to work ... you're easily distracted by just about anything that doesn't resemble work. You're tired ... you're worn out ... and you just want to pick up your keyboard or laptop and hurl it through the nearest window.

Yep ... we've all been there and most of us have revisited that place on numerous occasions and to be honest both my partner and I are there right now. We knew we were heading into that dark place and had plans to do some interesting things this weekend instead of work but those plans all went out the window when several clients moved up deadlines and several others decided that they had more important things to do than pay their accounts.

So we'll work through it ... just as most webmasters work through the black times when they would rather be doing something else. For some, those dark times don't last all that long ... a good night's sleep ... a night in front of the TV instead of in front of the computer ... and they're fine but for others the dark times last longer.

So if you're experiencing those dark times right now ... or maybe you're just in the doldrums and can't quite focus on work ... here are a few tips on things you can do to get yourself out of that despondency and back into doing some creative work.

Perhaps the first thing you should try is to get up from your computer and go outside and experience some real life for a day or two. Sure, you may not be able to afford it ... you may have so much work backed up that you would be insane to think about getting away from it all for even five minutes and suggesting that you take a day off is just plain delusional ... but what is the alternative?

If you don't take some time off and get away from it all will you ever come out the other side of this depressing time? Will you actually be able to produce anything that has any hope of putting money in your pocket when all you're doing right now is hating everything that you're working on?

A day or two away from all that work can be the tonic that you really need to recover. You may not believe it right now but taking time off can reinvigorate you and you will come back ready to tackle all that hard work and deliver outcomes that will increase your bottom line. It really does work for me and for many many others so why not give it a try?

Another way of getting out of that down time is something that I've seen my partner do from time to time. When he has just about worked himself to a standstill he'll get up ... grab a book about marketing or copywriting ... and go and sit in the sun and read.

Within an hour or two he's back and ready to try new things. The book he was reading may not have directly prompted him to try some new method but while he's been reading his brain has gone off on a tangent and come up with something he can't wait to try.

So why not try that? Even if what you want to read is on a website don't read it there ... print it off and then step away from the computer and read it somewhere that's not directly associated with the work you're doing.

Go out and read it in the sun ... take it to the park to read ... take it down to your favourite cafe. Just relax with it and let your brain have some freedom to go where it wants to go.

Something that I like to do is just go people-watching. Sit somewhere you can see large groups of people and just what they do and how they interact with each other and with the marketing messages that are all around them. People-watching isn't about perving on hot guys or girls ... it's about letting them teach you important things about your business ... and they won't even know that they're doing it.

So if you've reached the point where you're beginning to wonder if you can last another day doing what you're doing now then it's time to take some positive action that will help you get back in the work groove.