Google Teaches a Hard Lesson

Posted On: 2011-12-08

Remember years ago when Google introduced Adsense? If you weren't around then let me tell you that just about every webmaster on the planet thought that all their dreams of untold wealth had come true.

All you had to do was toss up a website about any old thing you could think of ... drop in as much Adsense advertising in as many spots as you could find ... and Google would start shovelling money in your direction.

Back then there were pages and pages of stuff written on where to place the ads to get the most number of clicks ... what sort of things to write about so that you could attract the ads that paid the most ... how to trick site visitors into clicking on the ads ... and of course how to grow a network of sites that would bring in even more Adsense money.

It was like a gold'rush ... you didn't have to do much to make a ton of money ... or so the 'experts' said. It was the gravy train and once you were on it you were set for life ... hell you didn't even have to be much of a webmaster to make money from Adsense ... any old site would do!

Yep lots of us thought that it was a great way to make money and many webmasters become totally dependent on their Google Adsense checks. We were bedazzled by that easy way of making money and we never stopped to think what might come next. We never stopped to look beyond the end of our noses to see where Google might be headed with its Adwords/Adsense business model.

We never stopped to think that Google would ever consider us to be expendable ... something to be used while it suited Google and then to be discarded. But that's exactly what Google was thinking.

We thought that Adsense was a great way for Google to share some money with us small webmasters. Google thought that it was ok to throw some pennies at us while they got Adwords/Adsense off the ground but there would come a time when all the money from Adwords/Adsense would be theirs alone.

Some webmasters built large businesses and employed staff to work on Adsense related projects. Google worked towards getting rid of us.

And guess what? That day ... the day when Google can kick us to the curb ... is just about here. Already Google is pushing people out of their Adsense program. Some are just simply getting dropped while others are dying the slow death that comes with loss of search engine rankings and loss of income.

Perhaps there is a chance that the day may never come when Google will be totally independent of small Adsense affiliates but I don't think I would like to stake my future on that slim chance. Google is hungry for money ... it wants every single cent that it can get its hands on because it has high expectations to live up to. All those investors in Google want to see their investments growing every single quarter and Google wants to make that happen.

So what is the hard lesson that Google is currently teaching anyone who has the brains to learn? Of course it's teaching us that we shouldn't be staking our future on what we might earn from Adsense advertising ... but there is more to the lesson than that.

Google is teaching us that we should never stake the future of our businesses on any single thing and that's a lesson that every webmaster needs to learn whether he or she has Adsense on their sites or not.

If you rely on search engine traffic for your business then you need to start looking at other ways to attract surfers to your websites. If you rely totally ... or mostly ... on just one sponsor here in adult for your income then you need to diversify.

While you may be able to get away with working in just one niche I'm not altogether sure I would like to rely on that either.

It even gets down to the very basics so that if you're relying on the Internet for your business then you need to start looking at other ways to get your business in front of people who might want to buy what you're selling.

The simple fact is that nothing stays the same. What works for your business today almost certainly will not work as well ... or at all ... for your business next year. The people we sell to are constantly changing the way they interact with the world around them and that world includes us and our businesses. So if we're not changing to keep up with our potential customers then we're going to be left behind.

We can't stand still ... we can't play catch'up ... we have to at least be right where our potential customers are right now ... or even a little bit in front of them.

So where is your business right now? Where is the adult industry heading and what are you doing to keep up?