Growing Your Business

Posted On: 2011-09-15

Most people who get into marketing adult products online start small. It's just them ... by themselves ... building and submitting galleries and free sites and in the past lots of people made a very nice income from doing just that.

They were happy working like that too ... they answered to no one but themselves ... and even though they might have had to work some incredibly long hours it suited them. They might have had to learn lots of new skills to get everything done but that was ok too.

But no industry stays the same forever ... things change ... what worked well last year or the year before doesn't work so well anymore and even though we might like to think that our industry is different the fact is that we're no different to any other business out there.

Just as the way other business owners do business is changing so is the way we have to do business if we want to survive.

In the past you could come into this industry and more than survive all by yourself but those days have gone and now you have to be prepared to do more things than just build and submit. But if you work by yourself then you simply don't have time to do everything you need to do

Of course you know that I'm going to say that these days you have to work smarter rather than harder ... and I am because it's a fact. We've reached a point where there just aren't enough hours in the day for an adult webmaster to do everything that he has to do to survive.

If you're already working 24 hours a day and only just getting by how can you possibly fit more into every day so you can lift your income level above where it is now?

Obviously you can't so you do have to make better use of your time but how do you do that? How do you work smarter rather than harder?

Well one of the smartest things to do is to get others to do some of the work for you. Instead of working 24 hours a day in your business because there's no one you can pass the boring stuff onto you need to find others to do some of that work for you.

But where do you find those people?

There are a number of places that you can start looking and perhaps the most obvious place is on any of the adult webmaster boards. You will almost always find people on those boards that are willing to work for you and all you have to do is hook up with them.

You will also find people on any of the major outsourcing boards ... oDesk and Freelancer are two that spring to mind.

In both places you will find people who can do just about anything you want them to do and when you look around you will see that you can hire their services for rates that vary from very little to way more than you can afford to spend.

There are two things that you should think about at this point ... the first is that there is often quite a difference between what someone says they can do and what they actually can do. The second is that you shouldn't hire on price alone.

To assess what someone from one of the outsourcing sites can actually do it's always wise to check the references that those outsourcing sites post for each provider but don't be fooled ... recommendations can be fakes so look for providers who have positive recommendations for long and expensive jobs.

Also make sure that you look at any examples that those providers may post and don't be afraid to question them about their abilities and experiences before you actually hire them.

And when it comes to price don't be fooled into thinking that cheap is always best. These days you still tend to get what you pay for so be. Sure, sometimes you can get someone who does an outstanding job and charges a cheap rate but that's not all that common.

If you want to hire someone to work on your business then be prepared to pay a reasonable rate.

But hiring people to do some of the grunt work for you or specialized work that you can't do yourself isn't the end of it. What you do with the time that hiring those workers has freed up for you is important too.

If you want to grow your business then you need to use that extra time wisely and don't waste. Put much of that time back into your business and you will grow ... waste it and you'll be in just as big a mess as you will be if you don't set out to grow your business.