Healthy Lifestyles for Webmasters

Posted On: 2006-05-22

Being a Webmaster often means spending long hours sitting behind a desk staring at a computer screen. To build a successful business many webmasters spend hours upon hours doing nothing but researching, learning and building their Internet empires. They eat meals at their computer and often do not take the necessary time to ensure that their own health needs are met. It is easy to lose track of time and put off routine things that others who do not have such a strenuous work schedule take for granted. One of the most harmful things that Webmasters do is to sit in their chairs and work on their computers for hours and sometimes days at a time. By doing this they cause severe eye-strain, muscle stress and do not get much needed exercise to keep their bodies healthy. This can lead to obesity, loss of eyesight and much more serious problems. There are ways to ease some of the strain on your body and mind and they are things that can easily be accommodated even with a busy schedule. The adult industry is full of diversity. There are people of all shapes and sizes who make up this wonderful community. However, many of us Webmasters begin our careers relatively healthy and slender and end up being significantly overweight and unhealthy. This is due in large part to poor diets and lack of exercise. The exercise can be easily overcome if you just give yourself 5 minutes every few hours to get up and stretch. The diet may take more of a conscious effort to achieve. It is easy to get locked into grabbing something quick that warms up in the oven so you can get right back to work. Try to avoid this pitfall at all costs. If you want something quick and easy to eat then take a few extra minutes to get your metabolism rocking so you can burn off any additional fat or calories. Otherwise, because your job on the computer does not require a lot of energy to do you don’t have to have high fat or high carb meals. Eat lighter meals like salads and eat smaller meals with healthy snacks throughout the day. Do not eat your meals at your computer. Even the most dedicated employees in the world deserve a lunch break. If you take a few minutes and move away from your computer to have a good meal you accomplish two goals. First, you separate your work from your personal time and you also give your body a chance to move and be active. Being active is an absolute necessity for maintaining a healthy body when you work in a position that chains you to a desk all day. If you can spare 5 minutes every few hours to get up and walk around your body will maintain a healthier state. You also can do some stretching exercises while you’re at the computer. You can stretch your arms and back while sitting in your chair reading something on the computer that does not require you to type or use your mouse. Your legs may be a bit trickier to keep active but even tapping your feet to music you may have playing does a lot to keep the blood flowing to your limbs. Regular checkups with a doctor are also very important to maintaining good health. One of the most alarming and disturbing things about being an independent Webmaster is the lack of health insurance. Health insurance has become so costly that many individuals feel that they cannot afford coverage but there are several options available to you. There are some companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shields that offer individual health coverage that is actually very reasonable. You have a wide variety of deductibles and coverage levels available to help you stay within a budget. Many state and local governments also have free or reduced cost health insurance. Most are dependent on income but it is worth a try to see if there is one in your area available. Another major cost for webmasters is the prescriptions medications they may need. This is another area that you can get help with if you do not have health insurance. Almost every single drug manufacturer out there has a program for uninsured people to get the medications that they desperately need. All you need to do is a simple search on Google for “Prescription Assistance” and you will find a wealth of resources or even ask your doctor. Another option for health care would be a discount plan that’s available for just a few dollars a month. It does not guarantee a price you will pay for health care but it can give you some decent price breaks for being a member of their network. The most important thing to remember is that you do not have to sacrifice your health to be a good or productive Webmaster. The things I mentioned above do not take a lot of effort to do but they can mean the difference between healthy and unhealthy and even sometimes life and death. Take a few minutes daily for yourself and do not work yourself into the ground.