How to Leap-frog Your Competitors

Posted On: 2010-06-14

One of the biggest problems that any newcomer to this industry faces is where to get the traffic that they need to make sales. Without surfers coming to visit the websites that you build you're simply not going to make any money and that's a fundamental of this industry.

Of course that flies in the face of the myth that most new webmasters believe in ... "build it and they will come" ... and it can be a rude shock when you build it and they don't come. Once that shock has worn off most new webmasters then move to the next myth about traffic ... "I'll get it from the search engines because it's easy to get good rankings" ... but of course good search engine rankings are not easy to come by.

From there ... if they're still around ... new webmasters move on to the reality of link lists and TGPs and the traffic does start to roll in. But even when a new webmaster is starting to get traffic from the link lists and TGPs there are problems.

The traffic isn't easy to convert and they've begun to hear that if they really want to get their hands on some traffic that does convert well they need to be tapping into that search engine traffic that they tried to get before. Of course, by now, they know that search engine rankings are not easy to achieve and some will never bother to try search engines again.

However, if you're a newcomer to this industry and you want to make real money then you need to go back to the search engines and learn how to achieve those rankings that you once thought were so easy to achieve. To obtain those search engine rankings you're going to need to learn a number of lessons and there are plenty of places out there that will teach you those lessons.

Unfortunately they'll teach you a lot of bullshit as well because so many of those people who want to teach you about search engines are nothing more than legends in their own lunch box ... snake oil salesmen of the first order ... bullshit artists who don't know their ass from their elbow ... conmen who can sound very convincing but are basically just a waste of time.

Oh they will sound so very convincing ... they will have lots of support from others just like them ... some of them will even be put right up there on a pedestal by people just like them ... but when it all comes down to basics so many of them who want to teach others just have no clue.

So how do you find your way through this maze of misinformation on achieving good search engine rankings? How do you avoid following a whole bunch of advice that's not based on experience or fact? It's very simple ... you test ideas for yourself. You run your own tests to see if what you are being told is right or wrong ... you don't rely on what others tell you ... you rely on what you learn from your own experiences.

And if you want to succeed and make money from search engine traffic you will go on testing ... experimenting and relying on your own experience for as long as you remain in this business. And, at the same time as you do all this testing and experimenting, you will keep your findings to yourself.

One thing that you will discover as you do your own testing and experimenting is that your findings may be far far different to what the search engine gurus are suggesting. However, don't be tempted to try and contradict those legends of the industry ... it's a frustrating waste of time because they won't believe you and no one else will either.

Instead, keep what you learn to yourself and profit from it. Let others run after the rubbish that the gurus want to publish, stick to what you know from your own testing is right and make money from it.

Sooner or later the rubbish advice that others want to follow will be shown to be wrong and when that happens everyone who blindly followed that bad advice without doing any testing of their own has to play catch-up to make up for all that wasted time and effort they put into something that didn't really work.

While they're playing catch up you're already far ahead of them and you're not the newcomer anymore ... you're the one with the real experience and the real ability to make serious money.