It All Depends

Posted On: 2016-06-02

For those of us who live here in the Southern Hemisphere, winter officially started yesterday.

It came as quite a shock really because it was hard to tell the difference between Summer and Autumn but, right on cue, Winter arrived here in the sub-tropics with a bleak, wet and cold day. It was no fun at all and I'm already looking forward to next Spring and Summer.

Now, I just mentioned that we found it hard to tell the difference between Summer and Autumn ... the days were pretty much the same and even the nights were quite warm. But the weather isn't the only area where it is difficult to tell the difference between two quite different things.

Right now it's hard to tell some of the good guys from some of the bad guys on the Internet. We here in the adult side of the Internet have quite a reputation for being dishonest and sneaky. In the past we have downloaded all sorts of stuff onto people's computers without them knowing and we've sent them to all sorts of web pages without asking them first.

So we've done all that damage to ourselves and we now deserve the situation that we find ourselves in and the reputation that we have. It's hard to trust someone who is associated with such dishonest and sneaky behaviour and we're paying the price for our prior bad behaviour ... but at least we're learning the lessons and most of us are changing our ways.

We're not the only ones learning lessons from what we've done ... although some of those who are learning lessons from our previous behaviour seem to be some way back in the learning process. It's hard to believe that a reputable company with a huge reputation would do such dishonest and sneaky things as we once did ... but they are and it's costing people lots of money and it's costing businesses lots of money too.

So who is this company that is displaying such dishonest and sneaky behaviour? What company doesn't seem to care about its reputation or the amount of trust that their potential customers have in the company? What company would download unwanted stuff on their customer's computers while pretending to be doing exactly what their customers want?

It's Microsoft of course and you really have to wonder if the whole company, from the board down, has lost its collective mind. Are they so desperate to roll out Windows 10 that they will ignore their customers' wishes and just drop it on them anyway?

Are they so desperate to make sure that no one gets away from them without downloading Windows 10 that even clicking the 'X' to close the panel offering Windows 10 starts the download process?

If Microsoft's latest behaviour is anything to go by then there's only one answer to those three questions and it is a resounding "HELL YES!"

The answer has to be in the affirmative and that means that they are behaving in exactly the same way that adult webmasters behaved years ago. Microsoft doesn't seem to care about their reputation, they don't seem to care about the damage they are causing to their customers' computers and businesses.

They don't seem to care that, by any reasonable test, they are tricking people into downloading Windows 10 despite the fact that many of those downloads are failing and corrupting the operating system totally.

They just seem to be totally fixed on the goal of downloading Windows 10, a pretty shitty operating system by any standard, on as many computers as they can and to hell with the consequences.

So tell me, what's the difference between Microsoft's behaviour and what many adult webmasters did years ago? Is there a difference? I'm sure that Microsoft would be filled with righteous indignation at any comparison between it and a rabble of money-hungry adult webmasters who would go to any lengths to satisfy their greed.

Microsoft isn't doing anything like those of us over here in the adult industry did are they? Of course not, they're a fine, upstanding example of American capitalism and a company that the country should be proud of.

And we're just adult webmasters.

I guess that if you want to try and find the moral difference between Microsoft and the rest of us it all comes down to one basic factor. It all depends on who is doing the dishonest and sneaky stuff.

If Microsoft is doing it then there's nothing wrong with what they are doing. If we're doing it then it has to be evil and reprehensible and every other nasty label they can find to pin on us.

Sometimes we here in adult can be far more ethical and honorable than the big guys over in mainstream.