It Feels Sooo Like a Monday!

Posted On: 2008-05-20

Well for those of you who were looking for me on line yesterday you would have been disappointed. Yes, I know that Mondays are one of the days of the week when you can always guarantee catching me in the office and online and today I sure do wish that was where I spent the day because I am just so whacked ... it's only 8am and I'd love to be able to go back to bed.

I guess that's what you get for doing another 400 mile round trip down to the state capital for a doctor's appointment. I do so love living up the coast in a relatively quiet town but it sucks when you have to see a specialist and they're a 3.5 hour drive away.

At least we were able to do other things besides just see the doctor and we came away with a load of technical books that are going to keep us occupied for days. A couple of our clients want to play with some video online and it's been years since we had anything to do with that. We were putting video clips online back in the day when file size, bandwidth and download speed meant that very short clips were about all you could have online but things sure have changed since then.

Even outside of porn, video is becoming a big deal with more and more small businesses finding that adding some video about their business can really increase the walk-in traffic to their bricks and mortar businesses. I find it hard to believe that a talking head telling people about his chiropractic clinic could do much to increase business but that's just one of the success stories that you'll find out there.

If you look around on YouTube you'll find an incredible number of small businesses who are trying it. Some are doing it very well and others aren't really doing much for their business at all ... but at least they're trying. And while people are trying to get promotional video online ... whether it's via YouTube or through video on their own site ... there's always an opening for experienced people to help and who could be more experienced at creating an impact with video while keeping costs down than people in this industry?

I know that a view people have thought that podcasts could be used to help promote business but somehow I think podcasting is becoming a bit of a backwater. For a business it's time-consuming and any small business would soon interest in something like that if they didn't see an almost immediate return for the time they had invested.

On the other hand vidoe can be embedded right there in the business website and the return will be easy to measure and probably a lot more immediate than from podcasting.

How much are you worth?
Have you ever wondered what your personal details are worth? Security experts suggest that if your personal details have been hacked then they're probably on sale online for around $12.00. If a hacker can get your VoIP account details they they're worth a bit more ... around $17.00 ... even though they may be easier for a hacker to get hold of than your credit card details.

It seems that the majority of carriers don't provide secure VoIP accounts and anyone who uses an unsecured wireless home connection or public connection is running a real risk of having their VoIP accounts hacked.

Something to make you laugh
Now to really understand why this is so funny you have to remember just how much the religious people out there hate porn and the purveyors of porn. It doesn't matter that sex is a normal human need and function, in the eyes of the religious fruitcakes it's wrong, dirty and downright degrading to everyone involved and those people feel really good about hating us.

So it should you laugh when I tell you that Penthouse happens to own a rather large online Christian dating site. Even before Penthouse owned it another adult business owned Big Church but Adult Friend Finder wasn't quite so prominent in the adult industry as Penthouse was and is.

It makes you wonder how all those religious types who belong to Big Church can justify their dislike for the adult industry when it's that industry that is providing the dating service that so many of them love to use. Maybe it's not that funny after all ... it's probably even a little sad ... but it just appeals to my quirky sense of humor. I guess when you're lonely you can justify almost anything as long as you can find the right person for you.

And now it's time I went and got a caffeine fix ... maybe that will get me through the rest of the day.