It's All About What Works For You

Posted On: 2014-09-26

So when you came into this business you thought that marketing would be easy?

In fact you probably didn't even think of what you were going to do as marketing and even if you did there's no real science in selling porn is there? I mean ... all you have to do is throw up some hardcore images or video ... add a banner or two ...and that's it ... the sales are going to roll in.

But of course they don't ... well ... after a while they might start to happen but not at the rate you were hoping for. Instead of making a fortune you're really only just getting by ... you're covering the bills ... well ...most of them ... but the really big money just isn't happening.

So you then do one of three things.

1. You give up and go back to doing whatever you were doing before you had your brain snap and tried your hand at selling porn.

2. You decide that it's all just a matter of time and keep on doing the same thing day after day in the hope that someone will come along and sprinkle some fairy dust on your efforts and suddenly you'll start making money.

3. You decide that you want more out of life than just being able to cover the bills and you start looking at what serious marketers are doing to make the big money. You start reading all the tutorials ... blog posts ... Facebook posts and Tweets that you can find from serious marketers in the hope that you will glean some useful information from what they have to say.

And you do find some real gems ... in fact it's downright hard not to find useful information out there. You printer goes crazy as you print off all that wonderful information ... you're using so much paper that you've become a threat to the rainforests of the world.

You even try some of the tips that you're learning ... you know it's going to work ... you can see the money out there on the horizon ... and some of what you're reading does work. You do start to make money ... but maybe not as much as you had hoped for.

So you dive back into the Net and start looking for more information ... and then you become confused because what you're reading on one marketing maven's blog contradicts what you've read on another marketing guru's blog.

For example, right now I have ... as I write this ... a couple of tabs open in Firefox (actually I lie ... I have about 53 tabs open right now).

On one of those tabs is a post from a well-respected marketing expert who suggests that to make sales you have to show why your product is better than every other similar product out there.

According to this guy you need to be up front with the consumer and deal with the fact that the consumer already knows that there are other similar products so you tell them why your product is the best.

On the other tab there's a post from another well-respected marketing expert who says that the last thing you want to do is to tell potential buyers that there are other similar products available.

According to this guy a potential customer has a very narrow focus and if that customer is on your website then his narrow focus is on your product and the last thing you should do is tell him, or her, that there are other similar products out there. It's a distraction the customer doesn't need.

And then there are those who would have you believe that the best way to market any product is to present the facts ... throw in a 'buy now' button ... and leave it up to the consumer to decide. Opposed to those guys are the experts who say that if you want to make a sale you have to appeal to the customer's emotions.

That second group would have you believe that the normal focus of most consumers is not to spend money so you have to convince them to part with their hard-earned cash.

So who is right? Who is wrong? Who do you trust? Which marketing approach will make you the most money?

I wish I had a definitive answer for you but I don't. Ultimately it all comes down to what works best for you ... and what works best for you may not work so well for me.

So if you want to cut through all that confusion you have to start doing some testing to see what really does work for you. Maybe it's one option or the other ... or even a combination of both ... or something that is totally unique to you.

There's no definitive answer other than the best method of marketing for you to use is the one that works for you.