Keywords for Beginners

Posted On: 2009-06-22

Ok so it's Monday here in Australia but over there in the United States where you probably live it's still Sunday ... Fathers Day ... so I hope all you fathers are having a great time. I also hope that all you fathers who are into online marketing took advantage of the special day with the advertising on your sites.

There was a time a few years back when you would need to be preparing your advertising for important holidays about six months in advance but maybe things have changed a bit since then. If you've been around a while and have developed at least one of your own traffic pumps it's quite possible to be able to be able to put up a new site and have it ranking well within just a month or two. However, that does depend on the amount of competition there is for the keywords and keyword phrases that you're targeting.

If you've developed traffic pumps ... sites that draw plenty of traffic and get spidered frequently (and it's always better to have more than one) ... then you can get a new site indexed quite quickly. However don't just depend on those links; you also have work your keywords and keyword phrases into the new sites in a way that will be attractive for search engines and for the people you want to sell to. And you should also use those keywords in the links that point to the new sites too.

Perhaps one of the most important places for those keywords to appear is in the title tag. Keywords in the title tag has long been one of the most important factors in getting a page or website to rank for important keywords but that's not the only place. You should also try to naturally incorporate some of your important keywords into the on-page title as well as the text on the page.

In the past that on-page title needed to appear between H1 tags and personally that positioning between H1 tags is still something I would use. I have seen some discussion recently that indicates that others have ditched the H1 tags but it's not something that I've tested yet and H1 tags still seem to work for me so if I was you I wouldn't be in a rush to ditch what still appears to work.

And don't be tempted to stuff the text on your page with keywords. Just like the on-page title, work your keywords and phrases in naturally and don't try and comply with some artificial ratio of keywords to text.

Where to go for keywords
Obviously, in adult online marketing, the main keywords you're going to want to use are words and phrases that you will already know. For example if you're working the Milf niche then finding the keywords that everyone is chasing won't be difficult but it always pays to go beyond those obvious keywords and keyword phrases and look at a few alternatives. You might be surprised at how many people search for those alternative terms.

Of course finding alternative terms that are worth chasing can be difficult but Google has an interesting keyword tool that can help.

If you head over to you will find a tool that will help you see which terms are worth chasing. Oddly enough Google politely declines to show you results for some obviously porn-related terms but has no problem showing you results for other terms that have a strong porn connection. Search for 'Milf' and you won't get any results but search for 'soccer mom' and there's plenty of information to work with.

The results that Google gives you with that tool are divided into two lists. The first section gives you keywords/phrases for related to the term you searched for and you also get the local search volume for the previous month - based on where Google thinks you live - and the global monthly search volume. You also get an indication of how strong the PPC competition is for each keyword/phrase.

Be sure to compare that competition with the number of searches and you will possibly see something quite interesting.

The second list shows you additional keywords/phrases that Google thinks you should consider. Many of these words and phrases are going to be totally irrelevant for your purposes but don't skip that second list entirely for you'll find some real gems tucked away in there that are definitely worth considering.

Keywords or keyword phrases
Beginners in this industry are always going to want to target individual keywords and almost invariably they're going to want to target words where the competition is the toughest. But I have to tell you that you may never achieve a first page ranking for any single adult-related keyword.

In all the years I've been doing this I don't think I've ever scored a first page listing for an adult term. However, I have scored quite a few first page listings for two-word adult terms that have been very popular with searchers and that's where you should be targeting your efforts. More and more people these days are searching for keyword phrases consisting of two or more words so tap into that search market and you can start pulling in the search engine traffic too.

And there's a very basic primer on keywords, where to find them and how to use them. Try it and see how you go. Now on this very wet Monday I'm off to chase a few keywords of my own.