Kicking the Traffic Throwing Habit

Posted On: 2015-09-01

I sometimes wonder just how serious the adult industry is about selling its products.

I know that we like to think of ourselves as the innovators in online marketing, and there was a time when we undoubtedly were the leaders in innovative marketing techniques but we've become lazy. We still work on the basis that if we throw enough traffic at our free sites and galleries then some of it must convert but that technique was always doomed to fail eventually and now it is failing and we don't seem to be able to find another way of making sales.

So what have you done to try and improve your sales? Are you trying to churn out more galleries and free sites? Are you still desperately trying to throw more traffic at those sites? Or have you all but given up and you're just going through the motions while you watch your income levels drop ever lower?

Thomas Edison once suggested that anyone who did the same thing over and over again in the hope that the outcome would be different was crazy and he was right. How can you possibly expect a better outcome when all you are doing are the very things that led to the decline in the first place?

Do you think that a miracle will happen and one morning every porn surfer on the planet will suddenly wake up and rush to sign up from your galleries and free sites? You just know that's never going to happen so you've got to break out of the downward spiral.

So what are you going to do to start increasing your sales?

Perhaps the first thing you have to do if you want to increase sales is admit that hurling traffic at your sites is no longer working and that you're going to have to make a total shift in your thinking. That's going to be hard because hoping that more and more traffic will fix things is the lazy way of trying to make money.

You're not basing your success on building sites and galleries that sell when you choose the traffic solution. You're hoping that more traffic will hide the fact that your galleries and free sites suck and you really don't know how to sell anything!

You have allowed yourself to be fooled by the hype into believing that you don't have to make much of an effort if you want to make money in this industry but, the fact is, that if you want to make money here you are going to have to work damn hard to succeed!

If you want to succeed here then you're going to have to suck it up and head over to mainstream and see what they are doing to make sales. You're going to have to do some research and exercise your brain as well because there is no quick and easy solution ... the guys in mainstream work hard and they work smart to get their sales.

Here in adult it has always been said that the vast majority of porn buyers make a purchase on impulse but is that true? Over in the real world most people don't buy sex on an impulse ... it is something that they plan ... something that they consider ... they look for the girl who can give them what they want ... so if you want to be successful over there you have to know your average customer.

You have to know how he or she thinks, you have to understand what motivates them and what their needs are because, when you know that, you can target them with marketing that speaks to those needs and you can make them offers that motivate them to buy what you're selling.

So are impulse buyers the mainstay of online porn or is there a solid foundation of buyers who are motivated by other things than impulse ... and if there are, then how do you reach out to them? What words, what concepts, what images do you use to attract them to what you are selling?

Is what you're offering resonating with them or is what you're offering totally missing the mark with them? Even if most porn buyers are making a purchase on impulse does your marketing resonate with them?

The more your marketing resonates with them the more sales you will make but who are you actually talking to? What are the demographics of the people who are hitting your websites? What are the demographics of people who buy porn?

There is a lot of information out there that you will find helpful but you're going to have to look way beyond the first page of Google to find it. A quick search for "the demographics of porn buyers" turned up nothing on the front page that was more recent than 2013 and the top listing was published in 2006.

But don't let that stop you. There is a wealth of information out there that will help you grow your sales if only you can kick the traffic throwing habit.