Look Beyond the End of Your Nose

Posted On: 2011-10-14

Right now where I live it's a beautiful spring morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, there's not a cloud in the sky and there's just a faint breeze blowing in the palm trees.

You really couldn't ask for a better start to the day and with that wonderful start there's the promise of a great day too ... but perhaps not here. According to the weather forecast what we see is not what is actually happening in the atmosphere. Up there it seems that things are so unstable that we're facing a day of fast-forming storm cells that will bring thunder, lightning and plenty of heavy rain.

But looking out the window you just don't see that ... all you see is blue skies and the chance to have some fun and enjoy the sunshine down at the beach.

So what would you do if you took a quick glance out the window and saw all those good signs?

In lots of ways being in business ... any business ... even this business of adult online ... is a bit like every day life. We look out the window and see great weather ... we look at our stats and see some great traffic numbers and encouraging sales ... and we think that everything is going to be rosy.

What can go wrong on a day like today ... what can go wrong with your business when everything you can see looks so positive? Hey ... before you know it you'll be doing even better ... you've got plans to grow your business ... you know you can't possibly fail. What could possibly stop you when everything looks so fantastic?

Yes well the sky is still blue outside my office window and I guess lots of people around town are seeing the same thing and expecting a wonderful day ... but those of us who took the time to listen to the weather forecasts last night and this morning know that things aren't what they seem.

Already Steve and I are working hard to get through the tasks that we really must finish today. We're in something of a rush to get them done now while it's still fine because if we leave them till later then power outages brought on by the storms may really prevent us from getting the work finished.

But if you're in business you have to look beyond the weather ... you have to look beyond the end of your nose. You have to start looking at conditions and situations beyond your home town ... beyond your state and way beyond the borders of your own country because these days we live in a global economy and you cannot hide from the fact that what happens in other countries will ultimately impact on your business.

Yes I know that there are plenty of politicians and ordinary people in the United States who seem to think that they can somehow cut themselves off from the rest of the world but it's not going to work for the country or for you. You need to face that fact and start looking at what's happening out there in the world because what's happening there could impact on you and your business and you need to know about it so you can prepare for it.

You need to be making decisions about your business based on what is happening beyond the end of your nose ... beyond the horizon ... because if you don't those who are prepared to look will be ready to meet the conditions ahead and they'll leave you to either play catch-up or struggle in survival mode.

If good times are coming then you need to be ready to expand ... if bad times are coming then you need to do what you must do to weather the storm.

Browser Wars
Last month saw the release of Firefox 7, Chrome 14 and a preview version of IE10 so you could be forgiven for thinking that there was a lot of movement in the browser market. But according to some stats I've seen most people during August and September stayed with the browser they already had and didn't jump to another browser.

That's interesting because up until August the number of Chrome users had been increasing at quite a reasonable rate. At least for the last two months though it seems that new uptakes of Chrome have dropped off and some experts are beginning to wonder if Chrome has just about reached its peak in popularity.

I don't know what your favorite browser is but in our office things have become rather interesting. I find myself using Firefox more and more even though I was once a very committed IE user while Steve ... who was a big Firefox user ... has had IE open frequently in the last few weeks.

Of course what experts think and what might be happening in our office is all very interesting but what is important is what your own analytics are showing you. So what is the browser of choice for the people who visit your websites?