It May Not Be the Ultimate Destination

Posted On: 2010-04-26

Years ago when we became involved in online adult marketing the plan was that we would work at our day jobs till we reached the point where we could walk away from those and do online marketing full time.

The idea of working from home and being answerable to no one but each other was something that really attracted Steve and I to this industry. Of course, those of you who knew what I did back then may wonder at my desire to give up my day job but I wanted to be in a position where I could continue with my regular clients and not have to advertise my escort services if I didn't want to.

Reaching the point where we could step back from our day jobs involved quite a journey ... both in work and in distance too. It took us some years and a move of nearly 2000 miles to reach the point where we had both reached what we considered to be our destination - the point where we were almost fully committed to online marketing.

It was a journey that was both frustrating and rewarding ... difficult yet challenging ... interesting but not something we would want to do again. It was a journey where we knew what the destination would look like and how it would feel when we got there.

If you're trying to reach the point where you can quite your day job and focus entirely on adult online marketing then you're on the same journey that we undertook. You're facing the same challenging times ... the same difficulties ... and the same rewards that encouraged us to keep going.

And you know that it's a journey that may not have be a quick one. Sometimes you think you've almost arrived and journey's end only to find that your destination has somehow been moved further into the distance. But it's a journey that you're not going to give up on because you want to reach that destination and enjoy the bigger rewards that await you when you arrive.

But what if you arrive only to find that it's not the final destination after all? What if you arrive and find that it's really only a way-station along the path to your ultimate destination? What if you find that once you reach your destination it's not really where you want to be?

As I said before, for us the destination was working from home and being answerable to no one but ourselves and if that's the destination that you are trying to reach then let me tell you that you can make it ... you can reach the point where you are your own boss and you can work from home.

There are many who have achieved that destination already ... we're here ... it's a great place to be ... we enjoy the lifestyle ... but for many of us it's only a way-station along the path to something even better and you may not realize that till you arrive.

The "something better" for me was expanding into providing content for other webmasters and that meant starting on another journey. This journey involved employing others to be part of my business ... it meant working with others to further my goals ... it meant going way beyond what I thought my destination was going to be.

And even then ... when I thought that I had arrived at my new destination it didn't take long to realise that there was still something further down the track.

I've now gone beyond working from home and have an office in town and I've stepped out into mainstream. Instead of just concentrating on affiliate marketing I'm now offering the experience we have gained during our journey to those who need a website for their businesses.

Steve is on this journey with me too and together we're offering search engine optimization services to clients and we're just about at the point where we can kick back and take it a little easier because we've reached that new destination.

Will it be our final destination? Who knows ... I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks and months. If it is then we'll be satisfied because the lifestyle is even better than what we were first aiming for. If it is just another way-station along the path to our destination then we won't be disappointed because, overall, the journey has been good ... it has been fun and it has certainly been challenging.

So if you're starting on the same journey we originally undertook then don't necessarily think that you have reached the ultimate destination when you've reached the point where you can quite your day job. Of course you may have arrived but then again it could just be a way-station on a much longer journey that will take you into things you never thought you could ever do.