A New Niche?

Posted On: 2010-01-21

Ok so it's Thursday and that means it's time for another column. Once again I'm getting to this rather late in the day because it's one of those crazy days when I have to try and fit two days worth of work into one.

Tomorrow we're doing a quick trip down to the State capital to pick up something for part of our mainstream business and that will wipe out just about the whole day so it's a mad rush to get heaps of work done before we go.

Oh and just to make things even more interesting a tropical cyclone has formed to the north of us and at the moment it could go just about anywhere. In this part of the world they seem to have a habit of moving parallel to the coast and covering hundreds of miles before they suddenly turn inland.

So we're keeping an eye on that too for even though it's a long way away today by this time next week it could be right on top of us. That will certainly make for some interesting times.

There's some interesting times ahead for one of the industry's big sponsors too because they've just launched a new site that may well be worth promoting now, before it gets to be over-exposed.

Earlier this week, over on Porn Resource, I talked a little about traffic and sponsors and suggested that one of the ways to make money in this industry is to promote new sites in new niches. It sure worked for me a couple of years back when I made quite bit cash by promoting one of the very first bisexual sites to appear on the Web and this new site could work for you.

However, it deals with a subject that some might find difficult to handle and wonder if the sponsor isn't going to get some criticism once the site becomes a bit more widely known too.

To be quite frank the subject matter doesn't bother me at all ... I certainly came across a few instances of this subject matter when I was working in the sex industry out there in the real world ... but if it bothers you then maybe you shouldn't try promoting it.

The site is called Raw Handicap Sex and it involves people who are disabled. By disabled I mean amputees, people who are confined to wheelchairs etc. ... something that has been socially taboo for a long, long time.

Why the subject of handicap sex should be taboo is a complete mystery to me ... just because you might have lost leg or an arm in an accident or be confined to a wheelchair for some medical condition is no reason why you should suddenly stop enjoying sex or stop being part of the normal straight or gay world.

And why sex with amputees or people who are confined to a wheelchair is not something that we should display on adult sites is completely beyond me too. What's even more puzzling is that the adult online industry has avoided this subject for years despite the fact that there's an incredible amount of interest in it out there in the real world.

Years ago I read of a Canadian stripper who had lost a leg in a motor vehicle accident and her stage act was one of the most popular live shows of the time. When she was performing in a club people would travel from all over to see one of her shows so people are clearly not turned off by the thought that the performer was somehow ‘tainted' by the loss of a limb.

Of course what she used to do with her artificial leg might have had something to do with the big crowds at her shows too.

So if you can handle the thought of handicap sex then this might be a site that will make you a large amount of cash. It might also be a niche that you can really work with and build a network of sites around. But if you want to do any more than just make a quick buck out of this niche then it had better be something that you're comfortable with and niche that you understand.

Sounds are important too
Steve has long been interested in a hobby that has always been dependent on visual presentation for effect. It's always been important for the items that people involved in this hobby produce to look like the real thing and to do that people like Steve build dioramas and scenes to enhance the visual impact of the things that they produce but now there's a new move to include sound because that adds impact too.

People like to have their experience enhanced with sound because sound makes it more exciting ... more real. If you don't believe that just think back to the last time you bonked someone who didn't make a single sound ... not very exciting was it?

So if sound is important why do so few of us make any mention of sound in the marketing we produce on our websites? Obviously we don't want to play the sounds that come from people having sex without some warning but surely we can talk about the great sounds in our marketing can't we?

It's just a thought to leave you with this week. See you Monday.