The Next Big Marketing Tool

Posted On: 2016-09-02

It seems that we just can't let the whole Ashley Madison story go ... and, just in case you are like me and you did let the Ashley Madison story go, then let me remind you that Ashley Madison was the website that offered members the chance to hook up with willing females who were happy to have illicit affairs.

What could possibly go wrong with putting your personal details into a site like that? Well, as a lot of dumb people found out about 12 months ago, a lot of things can go wrong. And they did go wrong when someone hacked the site and members' personal details were spread all over the Net.

Now, 12 months later, a documentary is being released and it's sure to open up lots of old wounds. Several people committed suicide when it was originally revealed that they were cheating on their partners and there were plenty of broken relationships too so I'm sure there will be more angst.

I wonder how some of those former members will feel when they hear what the documentary has to say about the female members of the site. Sure, there were real women on that site and they were there to get down and dirty with any guy they could hook up with but there were also a lot of not so real women on the site.

The documentary suggests that there were over 800 chatbots embedded in the site who were programmed to respond as a woman. 800!! Man wouldn't you be bummed if you paid your money, destroyed your family, paid even more in alimony and all you got to chat with was a chatbot?

And what does it say about your level of intelligence if you were dealing with nothing but a chatbot and you didn't notice that there was something not quite human about the woman you were chatting up?

Well, in defence of those who may have been sucked in by a chatbot, I should say that chatbots are a lot more advanced these days than they were in the past. Chatbots are so advanced that some experts are suggesting that within a few years a lot of B2B communication will be handled by chatbots ... and of course that got me wondering.

Why can't we here in the adult online world start using chatbots to promote the products that we sell? Would it be possible to engage some of the surfers who hit our sites and turn them into paying customers?

So is it that hard to build a chatbot?

Perhaps not. Whether you have realised it or not you have probably encountered a very simple chatbot the last time you phoned your utility company. The moment the voice on the other end tells you to press 1 for this and 2 for something else you know that you've encountered a chatbot.

Of course, what we need is something more sophisticated than that but even those are not beyond the capability of most of us to build ... or so I'm told. But where do you start?

You start at of course and if that sounds a little too easy you can also do a search for information about chatbots at Both sites will give you plenty of information on how to build one ... and you can do it.

In fact, if you want to be out in front of the thundering herd ... aka other adult webmasters ... then you will want to start gaining experience in building your own chatbot because the era of the chatbot is coming. Whoever is the first to work out how to use a chatbot to sell porn should make a killing.

Not only will that person have a unique tool to use to sell their adult products but they will also have experience and expertise that they can sell to others in the industry.

And if those two sites I mentioned a few moments ago aren't enough for you then jump on Google and do a search for ‘how hard is it to build a chatbot' you will find lots of links there that will help you get started and it will show you something else too.

When I did that search there were no ... like zero ... not one ... paid search ad on the search engine results page. Perhaps that's an indicator of just how new this whole chatbot thing really is. If that's right then it's a good sign for anyone who is prepared to spend a little time building what might be a very effective sales tool.