Other Ways of Making Money

Posted On: 2011-07-13

Ok so it's just about to tick over to 11am and I've been up working for the last seven hours and not doing a single thing that I had planned for today.

I don't know about you but days like today when your plans just don't come together at all really frustrate me. I had so much planned for today but so far all I've done is write two tutorials for things that really are very simple.

However I was writing them for clients who aren't all that confident when they're doing anything other than cooking great meals so I included lots of images with arrows pointing to important buttons and links and that all took far longer than I expected.

On the positive side I doubt that either client will have any trouble following the tutorials so they won't be calling me for help and distracting me from other work.

One of the things I do want to get around to today is playing with a new framework for WordPress. It's called PressWork and you can find it at presswork.me. This framework gives you the ability to drag and drop stuff, change colors and fonts with the click of a mouse and even change the structure of the site without the need to do any fiddling with the CSS.

Some people who have already played with it are comparing it to Genesis and Thesis but, unlike those two WordPress frameworks, PressWork is free.

Sadly though it will be a while before I can play with PressWork because I still have a third tutorial to write today. This one is for a client with an e-commerce site and even though there are heaps of tutorials out there to help people make programs like Zencart sing and dance some people ... including this client ... still struggle.

Perhaps that's why I'm building up my own collection of tutorials. My e-commerce clients get them for free but I am beginning to think about offering them to others as some sort of paid subscription.

So what do you do that others may want to know more about and might even be willing to pay for? Sometimes we can get so involved in a particular process that we miss all the signs that suggest that we're becoming a genuine expert on whatever it is that we're doing.

Perhaps you've amassed enough knowledge about some important aspect of making money online to qualify you as an expert and you can turn that knowledge into money.

Sometimes though I wonder whether it's worthwhile making an effort to do that ... all too often people are looking for ... and willing to pay for ... a quick fix when what they really need is something more involved.

The easier you make a money-making process sound the more likely people are to buy what you're selling ... whether it works or not. The more involved something is ... the more effort that is needed to make it work and people don't want to know about it ... even if it's guaranteed to make money for them.

And perhaps hidden in that is a selling point for the products you want people to buy. Make it sound easy ...make it sound unbelievably good and just what they really need ... and you might be on your way to making heaps of sales.

But seriously there are still plenty of ways out there to make money on the Web that we can engage in at the same time as selling porn. All it takes is some vision ... some drive ... a grim determination not to fail ... and the guts not to try and reinvent the wheel.

All too often we look at how others have made their money and then set out to replicate what they have done and while it is possible to make money by copying others there's every chance that you can make far more by doing something totally new.

As I've said in the past both here and on Porn Resource if all you do is copy what others have done then you're forever playing catch-up and you're missing out on all those who have already bought what you're selling from the person with the original idea.

If you want to make real money then you have to innovate ... you have to be out there at the cutting edge doing things that no one else has done ... doing things that others will want to copy.

If you can do that then you'll make money while others fight over the crumbs that are left for those who have no original thoughts.