
Posted On: 2013-11-14

Over on Porn Resource this week I was talking about the need to include text ... yes good old-fashioned words ... in our free sites and galleries if we really do want to maximize the sales potential of each sales tool we build.

But why do we need text? Why can't we just go on doing what we've always done ... throw hardcore photos at our surfers and hope that someone will take pity on us and buy what we're selling?

Yeah ... well that might have worked in the early days ... heck you didn't even have to worry much about photos back then. You could put up a hardcore banner and the sales would roll in back then but we're not back in 1996 anymore.

We're not even in 2001 when you could put up just one gallery in some new niche and pocket a grand a day with traffic from the Hun. Our market place has changed ... our target market has been swamped with free porn ... they've seen it all without having to pay a single cent so why are they going to buy what we're selling when all we want to do is show them more of the same?

These days ... instead of throwing more free porn in their face ... we're going to have to do something a little different if we want to make sales. We're going to have to persuade our target market to buy what we're selling and we're going to have to work very hard at doing that.

Over in mainstream many of the marketers there already understand that the market place has become more sophisticated. They understand that if they want to make a sale then they have to work for it ... they have to engage their potential buyers ... and they have to give their potential buyers a good reason to buy what they're selling.

There are several ways to do that and one of those ways is by using text ... good old-fashioned words ... to tell a story. Not just any story and not necessarily a personal story but one that connects with their audience on an emotional level.

Now that should be easy for us ... you don't even have to think too deeply about what you're going to say because the story is right there in front of us ... right there in the images that we're using for the gallery or free site we're building.

All we have to do is look at those images and put some of that story into words ... words that will connect with our audience on an emotional level. Words that work together with the images to tell the story that will encourage our surfers to buy what we're selling.

Of course you can just throw a few words together ... you can take a quick look at the images ... and write something that's fairly generic ... and you will get the sales that your story deserves and decide that using words ... telling a story ... is just a total waste of time and pure BS.

On the other hand you can take a few minutes to look a little more closely at what is going on in the images ... look at the faces of the models ... look at the expressions ... look at the surroundings ... let your imagination run wild and then write a story that's a much closer fit to the images than something generic might be.

Of course fitting a story into something as limited as a gallery is going to be a challenge but it can be done ... even where there are limitations imposed by the TGP owners that you submit to. In fact it has been done.

Writing a story that fits the images is nothing new. Sleazy Dream was doing it years ago but no one copied him ... no one thought that they needed to do anything as involved as adding words. But why do you think Sleazy did it? Do you think that he just did it for fun? Do you think that he had nothing better to do with his time than add a whole bunch of useless words to his gallery?

Back then Sleazy owned one of the biggest TGPs around ... he commanded a lot of traffic and you be sure that he wasn't going to do anything that would be a waste of time ... so why did he do it? Obviously he was doing it because it made him money.

These days it's become even harder to make sales if all you want to do is throw up some images or video clips ... these days you've got to persuade each person who hits your sites to buy what you're selling and if you're not using words then you don't have much in the way of persuasion to work with.