Prepare to Fail

Posted On: 2012-12-21

I don't know what it's like where you are right now but here, with just five more sleeps before Christmas, time is dragging. Everyone is hanging out for Friday to come round so we can take a break and not have to think too much about work till the New Year. It will be wonderful to be able to do that.

It's definitely been an interesting year for us ... we've had some successes and we've had some failures too but we seem to be in better shape right now than we were at the same time last year. That's a good thing because we can already see that the new year is going to be a tough one for us with some very interesting challenges ahead.

Hopefully by this time next year my business will look a whole lot different to what it does now. We've been playing around the edges of moving in a new direction for a few months now and we might just have the foundations set for that move. Whether we do or we don't, things are still going to be a challenge because we want to make that move happen.

And I guess that's the way it is for most people who have spent at least the last year in this crazy industry. If you're not facing a challenge, if you're not trying to move in new directions, then you're not doing enough to survive in the months and years ahead because, if you're not moving forward and facing challenges then you're moving backwards and facing failure.

At this time of year we also get a lot of newcomers heading over to adult marketing because people still believe that this is the place you can't help but make money. Of course it doesn't take long for most of them to find out that adult online is all about hard work for diminishing returns and they soon leave ... but a few people who are made of sterner stuff stay and they're the people who I hope are going to be reading this.

If you're one of those people who have just arrived here in adult marketing then I have got to tell you that you should be preparing yourself for failure. Of course I'm not suggesting that you should be coming here with a goal of failing ... that's just plain crazy ... but the fact is that just about everyone who comes here fails ... and fails miserably ... usually sooner rather than later

People come here with the expectation that they're going to make a fast fortune but when it doesn't happen they see themselves as failing and instead of hanging in there and pushing on they leave. Many of them might have stuck at the hard task of making a buck here for months and just when they're on the cusp of succeeding they quite.

So if you're new here perhaps you need to come with a slightly different point of view. Of course you need to come with the goal of succeeding but, instead of looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and believing that you're going to have instant success, perhaps you need to temper that optimism with the understanding that you will fail.

Yes ... that's the truth ... in this industry you will fail ... at least in the short term ... and you could fail often ... and you need to understand that we're talking in terms of years rather than weeks or months for success to come.

Oh sure, you might start making money in the short term but you will be working long hours and doing lots of very repetitive work to make that money and I wouldn't think that any experienced webmaster would call that "success".

Success comes when you don't have to work long hours doing all the repetitive grunt work that a trained monkey could do. Success comes when you have others to do the repetitive work for you. Success comes when you don't have to look at your diary to see when was the last time you took a whole weekend off.

And sometimes success comes when you're least expecting it. Suddenly you reach a tipping point where you can step back and take a weekend off without seeing your income stream dry up ... when you can take some time to do some genuine planning for the future while the grunt work goes on being done by others.

Success comes after a lot of failures and if you don't experience any failures then you sure won't experience any successes either.

So prepare to fail ... in fact embrace failure when it comes. Don't stop what you're doing just because you fail. Instead learn from your failures and when you do that you will experience success.