Standing Out From the Crowd

Posted On: 2013-10-11

So here I am on a Friday and, as we all know, Fridays should be nothing more than a gentle wind-down to the weekend ... especially when you live in a sub-tropical paradise.

Fortunately I do happen to live in a place like that but unfortunately this Friday is just going to be yet another crazy day of getting things done ... dealing with people who think that they're our only clients ... and dealing with more people who seem to think that just because we sit at a desk we don't actually do anything.

Hmmm if you're beginning to think that I need this coming weekend just to stay sane then you're right. Sadly though I've got clients coming in to see me on both Saturday and Sunday. Oh well ...

Enough of that though ... I really don't want to think about it ... I'd rather just deal with each minor hassle as it arises. What I do want to think about though is what you and I can do to make our pages stand out and encourage people to stop and think about buying what we're selling.

As we all know, in this industry, we give everything away for free ... and I mean everything. The Net is flooded with hardcore porn and just about every porn lover on the planet knows where he or she has to go if they want to get plenty of hardcore action for free.

Of course we're out there with all the other adult webmasters too ... we've got our galleries and free sites out there giving the porn surfers what they want and hopefully making a buck or two for us along the way. But how do we make our galleries and free sites stand out and really get into the faces of all those people who are just rushing through every porn page looking for the next image?

Of course we give them the best images and set every gallery and free site out so that the porn surfers don't have to stop and think ... all they have to do is click in the right spot and they'll get to see the images.

For the average porn surfer there's very little that would help him distinguish one gallery or free site from another and if you've seen one then you've seen them all ... only the images are different and even those tend to turn into a bit of a blur for anyone who does a lot of porn surfing.

So what can we do to make our pages stand out from the crowd? What can we do to make many of the people who hit our sites stop and take notice? What can we do to try and turn that /buck or two/ into something more?

And by the way ... what I'm saying here doesn't just apply to adult sites. Mainstream sites have the same problem ... when you've seen one plumber's website you've seen them all so what can a mainstream web designer/webmaster do to make his client's site stand out from all the others.

When you think about it mainstream designers/webmasters have a few more options than we do but there's one thing that both mainstream and adult webmasters have at their disposal that can really work in their favour.

That one thing is the headline ... yep ... just a few simple words can make people stop their mad rush to find more images and take notice of other things that you might have to say on your porn pages.

The experts say that the ideal headline is no longer than 7 to 11 words in length ... although with today's mobile devices less is very definitely more. An 11 word headline can take up so much room on the screen of a mobile device that won't bother to stop and read it ... they'll just flick right past it on their way to the "good stuff".

That will obviously defeat our purpose so if you're writing a headline for something that will be viewed on a mobile device maybe 5 to 6 words would be better than 7 to 11.

So a short headline may encourage people to stop and read it and some of the other text on your web page but will any old headline work? Sadly the answer to that one is a very emphatic 'NO'.

Boring as bat shit headlines will just turn people off and you will have wasted your time and effort. What you need are headlines that will make people stop and look ... that will intrigue people ... encourage them to slow down their mad rush ... and fire up their fantasies.

Can that be done in 5 to 6 words? I believe it can and the place you need to start looking for inspiration is the magazine stand at your supermarket checkout. You don't have to buy a magazine ... just look at the headlines on the cover and see how just a few words can attract your attention.

Then go and do some research into what are known as 'power words'. Power words are words that human beings are almost conditioned to obey and you should incorporate those words into your headlines.

And once you've done that research start practising writing headlines because it's those headlines that will make your web pages stand out from all the others that are out there.