Staying in Control

Posted On: 2007-02-16

Yesterday I talked at some length about search engines and they're something that you should never stop thinking about. They really are a vital part of our business online. For those of us who build free sites or galleries the traffic that we might pick up from search engines is an added bonus to what we get from link lists and TGPS.

But are search engines and link lists/TGPs the only two sources of traffic? In mainstream there are many ways to get traffic to your websites but here in adult those two avenues are often the only ones we think are open to us. Perhaps that's right but I like to believe that, with a little creative thinking, there are many more ways of getting traffic to our sites.

However, for the purposes of this column let's not get too creative. Instead let's look at the two primary sources of traffic that so many of us rely on and why and how we should build on that traffic.

Let's first think about search engine traffic. It really is golden but it can be here today and gone tomorrow and, as I explained yesterday, even getting to the point where it starts to head in our direction can be frustrating to say the least.

But if you think you can crack the secrets to getting good search engine traffic then by all means, go ahead and work at it. However, you should also be prepared for the search engines to change their algorithms without warning. When that occurs your search engine traffic can disappear overnight.

The other sources of traffic that most of us use are the link lists and TGPs. For quite valid reasons those link lists and TGPs can impose some very very strict conditions on Webmasters who submit their sites and galleries.

Sometimes meeting those conditions can be counter-productive when it comes to making sales and there's nothing quite like trying to make a sale with one hand tied behind your back. So, once again, you should use the link lists and TGPs to get traffic even if you have to abide by some less than helpful rules.

Once you have that traffic coming in to your sites and galleries it's time to make a decision. You can decide that you're happy with that traffic that's coming or you can decide that you want more and if you want more you have to start getting creative.

One way to get creative is to develop your own traffic sources on line. Of course you can always start your own link list or TGP and that will work ... as long as you can handle all the crappy spam sites that people will submit to you ... or you can develop something that is just for you.

Instead of going down the full link list route why not develop a small list just of your own sites? At the same time give surfers a reason to bookmark your site and to want to come back every day.

A good way of doing that is have something that the surfers will see as soon as they land on your site. It doesn't have to be anything that's very complicated, just your own pic of the day is enough to get it started. It doesn't even have to be very hardcore either.

All it has to be is something that surfers will want to come back to each day for their little dose of your porn. With the help of some advertising and some good text you could then send them on to the sites that you wanted them to see.

I'm not going to try and fool you here, it will take quite some time to really get off the ground ... but then that's the sort of time you would be looking if you started a genuine link list too. However, it's well worth the effort because when you have your own traffic sources you won't be as reliant on the search engines, link lists and TGPs.

So how do you get something like that started? Well you can certainly do it in HTML but then it keeping everything in order can get a little difficult as you go on updating it every day. However, I'd suggest that you take a look at a content management system such as WordPress and run it on your own server.

A content management system takes the hard work out of moving pages and updating most internal links so it could be a very easy way of keeping things happening.

Getting the traffic flowing to it can be a bit of a challenge but you can always buy traffic or even link to it from your other sites via one of the reciprocal links.

Once that traffic source is starting to work then you need to go on and develop others because you're income depends on you getting traffic to your sites. And it's far better to be in control of everything that affects your income.