Sweet Sweet Friday

Posted On: 2008-05-09

Wow it's hard to believe but it's Friday already! I guess that old saying about time flying when you're having fun is true because we have certainly been having some fun this week. It's been one of the craziest weeks we've had in a long while and one where the work has just poured in ... but we've had fun.

We rarely see a quiet week anymore but usually the work levels increase gradually from week to week ... but not this week. This week has just been full on right from the start and today doesn't look like it's going to be any different so let's jump into today's column.

Firefox is carrying a virus ...
... now I knew there was a good reason for me sticking to IE! Well the fact that I just like IE and find Firefox a little overwhelming is probably the real reason why the only time I ever turn it on is to check site designs in it and not the fact that it is now carrying a virus.

The whole virus thingy with Firefox isn't such a major story really ... but if you happen to use the Vietnamese language plug in you may have cause for concern. That's where the virus is and it's thought to be the Xorer Trojan so if you have that language pack installed you'll know what to look for.

Perhaps another reason that I'm not all that keen on Firefox is because it makes you so lazy ... at least it's made Steve lazy. When he finds something that he wants to investigate further he opens a new tab ... and then goes back to whatever he was doing. By the end of some days he's got anything up to 10 or more tabs open and some of them can stay open for days just waiting for him to come back to them.

Now that might sound fine ... but then he gets to the point where he doesn't want to reboot his computer because he might lose all those tabs. So right now he's got a new plug in sitting there just waiting to be installed the next time he reboots Firefox and I want to see it ... but I can't because he's got a whole bunch of tabs open that he doesn't want to lose.

The new plug in is a image editor that works right there in your browser and that sounds like it could be really useful. I'll just have to sneak into his office when he's not around and reboot his computer for him.

Yes I know that IE has tabs now but they just don't seem to be the same ... at least not for me.

Reporting your competitors to Google
Do you run and tell on your competitors when you find that they're doing something wrong that might get them banned from Google? I have to say that all those sanctimonious do-gooders that you see taking the high moral ground when they declare that they always snitch on their competitors makes me feel more than a little ill.

If the only way you can beat them in the rankings is by telling tales then it doesn't say much for your search engine optimisation ability and you may well be in the minority ... although Google will love you in a cold and uncaring sort of one-sided way.

Over on the Search Engine Roundtable blog they're currently running a poll on whether or not you report your competitors to Google and it seems that over 70% of the people who have taken the poll so far don't tell tales.

Is this the most pointless site?
I've talked here before about Twitter ... and the more I see it the more I like it ... but now Twitter has spawned what would have to be one of the most pointless sites on the web ... the Twitter Blacklist.

This site supposedly lists all those people who use Twitter who you should consider to be Twitter spammers and you might think that such a list might be handy but ...

The only people who can send you messages via Twitter are those that you allow to send you messages by adding them to the list of people that you 'follow'. If you find that you've 'followed' someone who spews out a lot of garbage every waking moment of the day ... pretty much the way Robert Scoble does ... then all you do is 'un-follow' them and the messages stop.

It's quite simple and only takes a couple of seconds and once they're off your 'follow' list you don't see their messages anymore.

So if you've elected to accept messages from someone by 'following' them then how can any message they send you be spam? I guess some people just have too much spare time on their hands ... either that or they've got a small penis complex.

I'm outta here.