The Facts of Life in Adult Online

Posted On: 2011-01-03

So here we are with the first column of the new year and as always it's a holiday today here in Australia but we're not sitting back and unwinding ... instead we're gearing up for an even bigger 2011 because success in business is all about momentum and we want to keep the momentum going that we've built up over the last few years.

As many people who have been involved in online businesses have learned, the moment that you lose that momentum ... the moment that you falter ... the moment that you're not sure where you're going and how you're going to get there and the moment you stop looking to grow ... is the moment that you enter that danger zone where you and your business run the risk of failing.

So what do you have planned for 2011? What are you pushing on with to maintain the momentum that you built up in 2010?

Are you actually pushing on with anything or have you just arrived and you're not sure what you should be doing?

Lots of people who come into this industry think that they've arrived when they start seeing the dollars start to roll in and as their bank balance grows they take a step back. Instead of pushing on and looking to go even harder and make more money they settle for where they are and what they're doing and I can understand that. Even I like to sit back and do as little as possible but that's a mistake if you want to make real money in this industry.

There was a time when you could make a very decent living doing nothing more than getting into the groove of building free sites and galleries but those days were short-lived and now they're gone. Now if you're not prepared to keep on pushing ahead and developing new ways of generating your income you are simply not going to survive.

The world isn't standing still and nor should we!

While many might think that's a very good reason not to get into this industry because it's all too hard it's what makes this industry so interesting. There's no standing still here ... technology and the way people use it is changing almost every day and what worked last month may be out of date next month and that means that you're never going to be bored.

At the same time as technology is changing the people we sell too ... our market place is changing too. When the adult industry and the associated affiliate marketing first appeared on the Net all you had to do was show our surfers a few softcore banners and make a few almost unbelievable claims and you could get sales.

Now if you tried that approach you could count the number of sales you might make on the fingers of one very deformed hand. The people we sell to are becoming more sophisticated and they're not going to be attracted by banners and some big promises that people know won't be kept.

So we have to stay in touch with them and that means that we have to look beyond our own webmaster boards for information on where our marketplace is headed and what we need to do to keep up with them and continue to make sales.

That means that life as an adult webmaster has changed over the last few years and it has become more of a challenge. In the past we didn't have to be focused so much on growth and keeping up with our market place ... we could coast along and that's still how people outside the industry see things here. Unfortunately if you've come into this industry believing that image you might be very disappointed and a retirement home might be more suitable for you.

However if you want a challenge, you're not afraid to learn new things and you never want to be bored then this is the place for you. If you have a realistic view of this industry and you have the drive to succeed then you will no matter how new and inexperienced you might be right now.

And if you are new to this industry and want some tips from me on what you should be looking at and focusing on then let me suggest that you need to learn all you can about designing sites for mobile devices. While PCs and laptops and their associated design elements will continue to be important we're not far away from the time when people will spend just as much time accessing just about everything web-related on their smart phones.

The other important thing that newcomers to this industry should be concentrating on is copywriting. Words are so very important if you want to make sales and generate an income and no matter how much technology might change and our market place becomes more sophisticated effective sales text will always be important.

So those are the real facts of life here ... accept the reality and you will survive and grow. Ignore the reality and believe the hype and you'll fail.