Things to Think About

Posted On: 2013-01-18

OK so we're getting close to the end of yet another week ... in fact as I write this it's Friday morning ... and I'm looking forward to a weekend where I can take at least some time off and maybe even get out of town for a few hours.

However before I can really slip into weekend mode I've got at least 12 hours of work ahead of me now and another couple of hours work tomorrow ... and there you were thinking that maybe moving into mainstream might give you some more free time. But the weekend is still there and beckoning so let's skip through a few things rather than really exercising our minds by concentrating on anything in-depth.

Chrome 24 is out ... no, that's not some new 24 hour online service offered by Google. Chrome 24 is the 24th release of an updated version of Chrome. While there are certainly changes most of them aren't going to be of great importance to us.

However, it is even faster than previous releases and I have to admit that I'm beginning to become tempted to move from Firefox to Chrome. Lately I've found that Firefox tends to take a long time to load while Chrome just appears without any real fuss or delay.

Of course some of that slowness with Firefox could be caused by all the add-ons that I have running in the background ... and I really can't live without those add-ons ... but Chrome is beginning to look like an alternative ... and it too has plenty of add-ons.

Viral Score is something that you've probably never heard of before today but now it seems that you're going to be hearing a whole lot more about it in the coming weeks. Google also refers to it as a "content propagation likelihood".

Either of those terms seem to be used to describe a system that Google has created that help it to show you and I more focused ads. That may be an over-simplification on my part and I would suggest that you spend a little time reading more about it and you can do that at If you don't find the relevant article on the front page do a search for "google-viral-score".

Email lists seem to be something that people go on trying to build and these days they can be the one marketing tool that webmasters really do own. While other marketing tools that are open to us are usually controlled by others who set the rules your very own email list is yours to do with as you see fit.

However building an email list these days is difficult. Unscrupulous marketers in mainstream and adult have left an indelible mark on brains of must web users that continually reminds them that signing up for emails is opening the door to floods of spam. And even when you do have a list it's hard to actually get people to open the emails.

So what do you do? Do you give up the idea of building your own email list? Do you hit the delete button on the email list you already have? In a webinar yesterday I heard one mainstream marketing expert suggest that the only way to either build or maintain an email list these days was by offering free premium content in your emails and then up sell them from there.

Give them a good reason to open your emails ... something better than a catchy subject line ... and then use that free premium content to encourage them to buy what you're selling.

How would you do that here in adult? I'm sure that there are a number of ways you could do that and I'll let you work out what's best for you.

Mobile phones ... yes it's yet another reminder from me that if you're not producing content that can be easily viewed on mobile phones then you're virtually watching your marketplace disappear over the horizon.

Nielsen and McKinsey recently released a report on social media and among the findings outlined in that report was one that highlighted the fact that people are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to access social media ... and you know that if they're looking at Facebook and Twitter and all the other social sites out there on their mobile phones then they're definitely looking at adult content too.

Perhaps as you look at your business goals for this year you should be thinking about what you can do to reach out to all those mobile users.

And now I'm off ... I hope you guys have a great weekend and are able to get outdoors for at least a few hours.