This and That on a Monday

Posted On: 2009-04-20

Well I sure hope your weekend was as good as mine. The weather was beautiful here and even though we worked quite a bit we still managed to take a break and just plain relax.

If you're doing the adult marketing thing full time and you're not taking a few hours break away from the computer to do things other than sleeping and eating then you really must! You just cannot go on working seven days a week at the computer ... it's harmful to your body and it's also very harmful for your brain too.

A million followers on Twitter
On Friday our time one person finally reached the magic figure of a million followers on Twitter. How he's going to use that or monetize such a huge following is a little unclear at the moment ... ok, it's like mud to me because I'm on Twitter for other reasons than making money ... but there's no doubt that anyone who has worked hard to attract a million followers (or sheep) is going to try and make money from them.

Of course making money on Twitter is going to be quite a different marketing challenge to what we're used to here in adult and a totally push focused campaign is not going to work. Nor are the tactics that so many spammers use ... no matter how much they might try and hope to succeed. Instead of all those old tactics if you want to make money on Twitter then you're going to have to think a little outside the box and maybe even be a little innovative but I'm sure it can be done.

The Twitter search engine might be a good place to start and if you're interested in trying to break into Twitter it might also help to follow the trending topics for a few days. Those two should give you some ideas on where to start and from then on it's just a matter of marketing and sharing information too.

Of course, you may not want to be the real you if you're marketing on Twitter ... and you may want to have several different personas too.

Guarding against hackers
For some reason lots of adult sites seem to attract hackers like flies to a honey pot and if you're using tools like WordPress it can be a little hard to keep them out. Unless you check every one of your sites several times every day hackers can do a lot of damage before you discover that they've paid you a visit.

But now there's a very interesting little tool out that may be of some assistance. It's called MonitorHackedFiles and a search in Google will soon turn it up. Install that little piece of software in the root file of your sites and you'll be notified by email every time the contents of a file is changed.

You not only get an alert if a hacker has defaced your site but you also get an alert if they have installed a whole bunch of links that only the search engines can see.

There are a couple of interesting WordPress plugins that you really need to install if you're running even just one WordPress blog. Login Lockdown will prevent those brute force attempts at grabbing your admin password.

WordPress Firewall plugin is also worth having a look at and there's no reason why you can't run this plugin along with the one I just mentioned just to make things even harder for hackers. The guys behind MonitorHackedFiles suggest that you should run both plugins along with their little program to get the best defense possible.

There's also another handy little WordPress plugin that's definitely worth looking at. If you're running a few WordPress sites then backing up the databases can be a bit of a chore and there's nothing to stop a hacker really creating havoc by destroying your backups if they're stored on the server. That's where WordPress Database Backup comes in handy.

This plugin will email you the a backup of your WordPress database each night and that's got to be a major step in protecting your data from hackers. If you're site is hacked you can have it back up and running in a very short time if you have a good copy of your latest database.

And that's where I'm going to leave you today. It's too nice a day to spend it all sitting here in the office so I'm off grab Steve and head down to the beach to enjoy the sun and have a cup of coffee.