This and That on a Friday

Posted On: 2007-07-13

Yep, it's Friday and that means that the weekend is here and ... well and nothing much other than work unfortunately. We finished a big project for a client on Wednesday and we've taking our weekend yesterday and today so tomorrow it's back into the business of making money online.

Camera Phones
A recent market study by Strategy Analytics has found that by 2011 one third of the world's population will own a camera phone and by the end of this year there will be over one billion camera phones in use around the world.

That really is a scary thought and it's something that bothered a lot of escorts that I knew when I was in the industry. Back then clients were invited to leave their mobile phones in their cars or in their pockets because no working girl wanted her photo to appear on the Web after some eager customer took it without her being aware of what was happening.

But it's also an interesting thought too because the quality of camera phone images is improving. Currently most camera phones run around the low end of the megapixel range and so image quality is poor when it's translated to the Web but high-end cameras in the United States and Europe - and probably here in Australia - are now in the five megapixel range and that should be making you think.

How long will it be before we see an amateur website that features images taken with a camera phone to enhance the amateur fantasy? Could that be something you could produce and so become a market leader?

Duplicate Content
Are you one of those people who worry about duplicate content affecting your rankings? Do you lose sleep at night because you think all those scrapers stealing your content is going to end up in your site being kicked out of Google?

Well you can stop worrying. I must admit that I missed the announcement but it did appear on one of Google's blogs (so it must be true because Google does no evil). It seems that Google does not have a penalty for duplicate content - but then some of us knew that anyway.

Online Radio Stations If you're like me and enjoy working with some music playing in the background and you get that music from online radio stations - like - then your favorite radio station might be about to go silent.

There have been some major changes to the royalty payments these stations have to make to music industry and the new fees are due to come into force on Sunday ... and be back-dated to sometime last year. We're not talking just a few bucks here either and by 2010 the rates will have risen to 19 cents per song per listener.

That's an awful lot of money to find and for the three biggest Net radio operators it translates into over $1 billion in the first year alone. Sadly the silence could be deafening.

The single most important on page SEO element
While opinions might vary SEOmoz recently announced that, in their opinion, the single most important on page SEO element is the title tag and it should contain the keywords that you are targeting for that page.

Wherever you go on the Net you'll come across sites that either have that tag blank or use exactly the same text across every page of their site. Now I'm sure you don't do that now do you?

If you are then I'd suggest that you change your way of doing things right now because that title tag should change with every single page. If you're working in mainstream then you should resist the temptation ... or the pressure from your client ... to include the business name in your title tags too. Of course, there is an exception to that 'rule' because quite often you'll find valuable keywords right there in the business name and so it will pay to include the name.

The Free Speech Coalition has been advising members that some new rules and regulations were to be released by the Government yesterday. I have yet to see them as I write this so perhaps you should go looking for more mention of them on your favorite Webmaster board ... I'm sure there'll be plenty of talk there once the regulations are made public.

And that's it for this week - the sun's coming up and it's going to be another great day to be alive and making money ... if only all those bills would go away life would be perfect.