Three Things You Need to Succeed in Adult

Posted On: 2010-08-05

Over the years there have been millions of words written about how to make your fortune here in adult. There have been tutorials on various websites and forums ... there have been e-books (many of which did little to help anyone but their authors make money) ... there have even been forums that have been totally dedicated to helping newbies get a start.

Even I've written thousands of words on what newbies need and need to do to get a start in this industry. I've talked about the equipment you need to make a start ... I've talked about the software you need to make your first websites ... I've talked about hosting for beginners ... I've talked about traffic for beginners ... and again today I'm going to talk about things that newcomers to this industry need to get started.

But there's a difference between what I want to talk about today and what I ... and all those other writers ... have talked about in the past. Today I want to talk about three things that newbies need that you really can't acquire. These are qualities and you either have them within yourself or you don't. They cost nothing but they can save you from destruction.

With them you'll have a much better chance of success ... without them you stand a very good chance of crashing and burning. So what are these qualities that you need if you want a good chance of success here in adult?

Common sense Sadly this is something that seems to be in very short supply in many people ... especially among those who come seeking their fortune here in adult.

Without common sense you'll follow every whim ... every rumor ... every hint of what to do to make big bucks ... without actually thinking about what you're being told. You'll spend so much time running from one money-making scheme to another ... one niche to another ... one sponsor to another ... here in adult that you won't have time to give any of them a chance to produce any worthwhile income.

A clear understanding of reality
So you've come into the industry because you know that this is where you can make lots of very fast money. Ummm ... sorry to burst your bubble like this but the reality is that it's going to take you some time to make a buck here.

So don't think that the payments from your sponsors are going to start flooding into your bank account next week ... next month or maybe even for a few months. And when the income does start coming in you should think in terms of a trickle rather than a flood.

Now I don't expect you to believe me when I say that ... you see I do have a clear understanding of reality. I know that there's way too much hype going around about this industry ... let's face it, it's going around for years ... and about how much money you can make here and how quickly you can make it ... for you to ever believe that this isn't the place for fast money.

Now that's not to say that you can't make big money here ... because you can and even in today's tough times there are people who are making plenty of money. But the clear reality is that a huge income doesn't come quickly ... it's something that you have to build up to and the first year in this business can be very tough.

An indomitable spirit
Times are always tough when you start a new business and working here in adult is really no different. You may come in with the idea that you'll make sales right from the get-go but that's not the way things happen and being confronted by the reality that it takes time to make money can be crushing.

If you don't have an indomitable spirit ... if you don't have a determination to push through the difficulties and succeed ... then you won't succeed.

This business is no different to any other ... you'll make mistakes ... you'll get ripped off ... equipment failures will take your sites off-line and cost you money. You will have to work long hours for very little income and you'll wish that you were back doing whatever it was you were doing before you decided to try and make money here in adult.

At those dark times it's so easy to give up and go back to a normal life and many who come into this business without a real hunger to succeed and an indomitable spirit do exactly that.

Those who stay and succeed are those who have a real hunger to succeed, who aren't afraid of a lot of very hard work and who learn from the mistakes they make.

If you have those three qualities then you will succeed here in adult no matter what challenges you might face. If you don't have those qualities then don't be surprised if it all becomes way too hard for you.