Time Off and Other Important Stuff

Posted On: 2009-03-19

Ok so it's Thursday afternoon already and before long the editor of this site is going to be figuratively knocking on my ICQ door asking where the hell is my late note 'cause he's got a site to run and my article isn't in his inbox yet.

Well it's late because we had a chance to take the morning off and that's what we did. We jumped in the car at 8am and headed up the coast. We explored back-roads on the way to the next big town up the line and once we got there we went shopping. We wandered around and looked at things, we bought stuff for the grandkids, we bought stuff for ourselves and then we went and had lunch by the beach.

Now we're back in the home office, totally refreshed and getting down to some serious work.

Yes folks, right there is one of the major benefits of being self-employed. We saw that our diaries were empty for today ... we'd caught up on nearly all the backlog that had grown over the last couple of weeks ... and so we redirected the office phones to our cell-phones and took off like a couple of kids skipping school for the day.

All too often when you're doing the sort of work that webmasters do both here in adult and over in mainstream you tend to forget about taking time off and one day blurs into the next till you've reached the point where you can't remember what day of the week it is and probably aren't too sure about what month it is either.

If that gets close to describing the point you've reached in your working life then it's time to walk away from the computer and take some time out to see what's really happening in the world. We had a great time and we came back really refreshed and ready to hook into some more long hours and that's the way you can be if you just go and take a break.

The world won't end just because you're skipping work for a couple of hours. Your empire won't crumble just because you're not in front of your computer and you will come back in a much better frame of mind so taking a break is definitely worthwhile.

A trend you should cash in on.
Lately I've been noticing a bit of a trend that seems to be developing in some of the adult paysites. Some of our sponsors are starting to talk about specific models in their tours as if using their name is some kind of draw card for surfers.

Actually it is and it always has been for there are many surfers out there who want to see their favorite pornstar/adult performer in action and they go looking for those girls by name. So if it's good enough for sponsors why aren't you focusing on individual models by name?

Take a look around the content providers and you will find that many of them have sets that feature those girls so why not start building sites dedicated to them. If you're smart you'll make it a simple task to rotate your advertising through all the sponsors who feature that particular model.

It could be a great way to cash in on a growing trend that's not going to go away anytime soon.

Keywords in URLs
There was a time a few years ago when keywords in URLs didn't make much difference to the way a site ranked in the search engines. Back then there were far more important factors that you needed to concentrate on if you wanted a site to rank well and it was quite possible to achieve good rankings with URLs that contained no keywords or keyword phrases at all.

However things have been changing for some time now and those who have been doing their own testing have seen that sites that contain keywords and phrases in their URL do seem to be getting a bit of a boost in rankings compared to sites that don't include those keywords and phrases. And now it's official ... keywords and phrases in URLs do get an added boost in the rankings and that's straight from Matt Cutts himself.

However, that doesn't mean that you should rush out and change all the URLs for existing sites so that your keywords or phrases are included and it doesn't mean that you should stuff the URLs of new sites with every keyword you can think of that might be important. What you should be doing though is looking at how you can best incorporate your most important keywords or phrases into the URLs of pages within your site.

The trick here is not to go crazy and end up with multi-hyphened URLs. Steve and I aren't sure just how many hyphens in a URL is too many but some people suggest that anymore than three words strung together with hyphens is too much. That could be right and even if it isn't it's probably a good rule of thumb to work to till you have found the right number.

And that's where I'll leave you for today. Don't forget to take that break I was talking about earlier ... you sure look as though you need it.