Tone, Google Earth and Mobile Porn

Posted On: 2008-03-20

How are your traffic figures lately? Are you still struggling to get enough visitors to your site to stand even a faint chance of making some sales? Have you been wondering about whether or not to buy in some traffic but have been a bit hesitant because you've heard nasty stories about poor traffic quality?

If that's you then this little snippet will probably make you feel just a tad grumpy. It seems that Google is now in the traffic brokering business ... if you happen to know who to talk to and are willing to enter into a revenue sharing arrangement with Google's subsidiary YouTube. If you are willing to do that ... and you have something worth watching then you just might get the same deal as comedian Daman Wayans gets.

According to Wayans, who says that he's a YouTube partner, YouTube guarantees his channel 60 million impressions. Just stop and think about that figure for a moment ... and how much money you could actually make from that. Wouldn't it be nice if we could enter into some sort of revenue sharing agreement with Google?

What's the tone of your website?
Yes, that really was a question I think you should answer. When a surfer, a visitor or a ‘maybe' buyer visits your website what tone do they find there? In the competitive world of online marketing where you're offering the same product as other people are offering sometimes it's the tone you take with visitors that makes all the difference when it comes to buying.

So what's the tone of your website and what can you do about it so that you'll make more sales?

Finding a good location
Back in the days when I ran my own amateur website a lot of the content was shot in our house but occasionally we would want to go out and do some outdoor shoots but finding the right location was sometimes a bit of a problem. We got pretty adventurous with the locations we did choose and somehow managed to avoid ever getting seen by the wrong people.

We even had some laughs while we were doing them and I can still remember the time early one Sunday morning when Steve was shooting me on the side of a steep road that led down from a well-known local lookout. At that time of the morning there really should not have been anyone about but just as we got into some bare boob shots a guy on a bicycle came down the road.

I still remember the look on his face as he saw what we were doing and we're still not sure that he managed to take the hairpin bend that was about 50 yards further down the road. If he didn't I sure hope he'd packed his parachute.

Anyway, if you're looking for some good locations for some discreet photo shoots then think about using Google Earth. Hey, if geologists can use it to find undiscovered meteor craters in outback Australia then I'm sure you can use it to find some good locations where you won't be caught by passing bike riders ... or anyone else for that matter.

If you can't do the time ...
... don't do the crime is an old adage that has a lot of truth in it and it seems one spammer is about to find out if he's about to do a lot of time. Robert Soloway - who I've never heard of but who US authorities are claiming is the ‘king of spam' - has pleaded guilty to some very serious charges and now faces up to 26 years in prison.

He's also facing some very heavy fines but it seems that his total assets amount to about $25k of clothing and accessories. It seems that being the ‘king of spam' doesn't pay as well as many of us thought.

Porn on the small screen
No, I'm not talking about the screen on a surfer's monitor; I'm talking about the even smaller screen of a surfer's mobile phone. According to a number of reports and some analysis from Google, porn is about the biggest single category that people are looking for on their mobile phones.

Of course, everyone knows that porn is bad for you so Apple is said to be rejecting any porn related applications that might run on their iPhone. Oh well ... good luck to Apple ... perhaps they've never heard of King Canute ... you know, the guy who had to show his people that no one was powerful enough to control the tides.

And that's it for me for this week. We're off on a road trip to visit kids and grandchildren and thanks to mobile phone technology we'll even be able to meet up with a couple of Steve's kids who will be passing us somewhere on the highway. It figures doesn't it ... we're heading south to see our kids so some of them are coming north to ... avoid us?

Actually they're coming north to play in a national sporting event ... but why let the truth spoil a good story :)