Tools and Stuff

Posted On: 2008-05-28

My dislike of Google is fairly well known. I've written about it both here and in other places quite frequently so I'm not about to repeat myself this time. Instead I'm going to tell you about another way that Google is trying to become indispensable for webmasters.

They already have Google Analytics and that has to be a great help to Webmasters in both mainstream and in adult ... despite the fact that I don't like Google I still use Analytics. It's free but of course nothing is every really free and while Google is prepared to allow Webmasters to use Google Analytics without charge they are still getting something of value from all those who use it. That something of value is all the data that they collect and as far as Google is concerned data is like gold.

Now Google have released Google Sites - once known as JotSpot - and just like Analytics Google Sites is free. At the moment Google seems to be pitching this product at groups who need to have some central point where members can come to get up-to-date information and also want somewhere online that others can find them.

With all the built-in bits and pieces in Google Sites just about anyone can produce a half-decent website so there are going to be plenty of happy people out there. I guess it won't be long before some enterprising adult webmasters are there in Google Sites building free marketing sites but there's more to Google Sites than just that.

For any of you out there who use a bunch of people to work on projects for you ... or employ people to work remotely ... Google Sites looks like it could easily be turned into a great project management tool. You can limit access to parts of the site via a password and I'm fairly sure that you can fold some of Google's other tools ... such as their calendar ... with Google Sites too.

For those of you who have been looking for a good project management tool to use with a team of remote workers then you'll know that they can be rather expensive but perhaps Google Sites might be the perfect solution for you.

Content is forever
During my wanderings around the Net over the weekend I came across an interesting thought on the SoloSEO Blog. The writer suggested that content is forever and if you think about it for a few moments I'm sure you'll begin to see the importance of that point.

If you pay for content then you pay once and it's yours and hopefully Google will love you for it. If you pay for links ... or pay someone to get links for you ... then you're going to go on paying for those links. No matter how permanent you might think that a link is there really is little guarantee that it will be there next week or next year but your content will be.

Need a translator?
There are plenty of webmasters out there who would like to be able to present their websites in languages other than English and you will often see people posting job offers for translators on various boards but those people are often going to be disappointed. Hiring someone to translate a website can be a very expensive business and of course, this is the place where most people aren't prepared to pay a reasonable amount for anything.

So along comes Google with another little tool to help out. I'm not sure how effective it is but it certainly does look interesting and it is free. You can find it at:

There are no instructions but it really is one of the most user-friendly tools that I've ever seen so you shouldn't have any trouble getting it to work for you. In fact it's so user-friendly and so devoid of decoration of any kind that it does make you wonder how long it will be around. But for now it's there and it gives you translations for 24 languages so try it out ... it might be just what you're looking for.

New York affiliates
If there ever was a time when I might have wanted to live in New York State now is definitely not that time. The fallout from what's known as the Amazon tax is continuing to inflict a lot of pain on mainstream affiliate marketers who reside in that state.

Admittedly not all merchants have ditched their New York affiliates but quite a few have and one leading mainstream affiliate marketing blog suggest that 'dozens of affiliate programs ...' are pulling out of New York. As I've said before, this is something that we need to be watching here in adult because it's only a matter of time before New York State decides to impose that tax on the goods that we sell in the state and other states are sure to follow.

And on that gloomy note I'm off for another day at the office.