We Should Be Doing More

Posted On: 2006-10-05

Are we really doing enough to separate ourselves from the maggots of society?

I have to say that for the last couple of days I've been sitting here shaking my head in disbelief at all the carry on about Representative Foley and his alleged penchant for young boys. Why is society so shocked about something like this?

Don't people realize that people who pursue young children permeate every level of society? Don't they understand that just because someone assumes a public posture or position there is no guarantee that the public posture reflects what is going on in the heart and mind of that person?

Haven't we seen enough instances of this in the past to almost numb us when it happens again and again? It doesn't matter what country you live in, you will always find those people wherever you look.

And it just has to be the epitome of naivety to think that the maggots of society are not going to worm their way into places where they can feed their depraved hunger and feel untouchable. It's not only those who want to do harm to our children that find their way into those places either.

You will find so many people in positions of authority who want to appear highly moral and religious and who target the adult industry - both online and offline - to raise their profile. Yet those same people have no problem using the services that they so vocally oppose.

Politicians are perhaps the worst of all and more than one high profile right wing highly moralistic politician has walked through my door in the hope of using my services. So why should we be surprised.

Obviously not all politicians and not all people who work with kids are like that. There are some very dedicated people out there who are genuine and believe in the work that they are doing. But as I said before, there are plenty who are not like that at all and simply use the positions that they have wormed their way into to feed their hidden desires.

So for those of us who are open about their involvement in the adult industry I guess it's very tempting to gloat and deride those who usually attack us when yet another high flying moral campaigner is caught with his proverbial pants down but that's the last thing we should be doing.

These people don't need any more finger pointing - they already have enough fingers pointed at them already. Instead, we need to be supporting the genuine people who are left to try and clean up the mess and regain some credibility.

Yes, I did say what you just read ... and no, I have not lost my mind. The people who do these things to our children and who deceive the community by saying one thing and then doing another have no place in the life of a community and, whatever our business might be, we are part of the whole community and we need to take a stand against those people.

We need to be very vocal in distancing ourselves from them because when people read the latest reports it's hard for them not to make a connection in their minds between people like the congressman from Florida and those of us who work in adult online.

People read those reports and words like 'email' and 'Internet' jump out at them and those words are so easily associated with us. So we need to work harder to stop that association.

We need to let the community know in no uncertain terms that we detest the actions of the maggots in society too. We need to do it in public statements, we need to do it in private conversations and we need to do it on our websites as well.

And if we don't do it then people will associate us with those maggots and every time another one is revealed the association will become stronger.

Of course, it would be easy for individuals to sit back and leave it up to our industry associations to make the public pronouncements ... but then we seem to be a little lacking in vocal industry associations right now. So it's something that each of us needs to do.

Perhaps each of us needs to include something like a small statement that makes it plain that we don't want those people in our society either. The more of us who publicly state that on our websites the more that the ordinary man in the street will see it and begin to realize that we are genuine about keeping our kids safe.

So are you really doing enough to separate yourself from the maggots in society?