Welcome to the Future

Posted On: 2008-05-05

Ok, so it's Monday ... it just doesn't feel like a Monday here. Here in the part of Australia where I live it's actually a public holiday and people are out making the most of the great weather. Steve and I have just come back from a café down at the Marina and it was so good just to sit there and not think about work and business for a few minutes.

You guys up there in the northern hemisphere are moving right into spring now and you'd be crazy not to get out and enjoy the great weather that's around at this time of year. Sure you've got work to do and deadlines to keep but every now and then you really do need to take a break from porn and you're computer and get out and let the fresh air work its magic on you.

And for some reason Mondays always seem like great days to do that. So get out and do some tourist type things, hit a few cafes, walk in the park ... do anything but sit in front of your computer. You'll be surprised at just how refreshed you'll feel when you do come back to the work that you've got to get done.

Microsoft and Yahoo!
Of course the big news right now is that Microsoft is telling everyone that it's not going to be chasing Yahoo! anymore. Now that could just be a tactic to catch the people at Yahoo! off-guard ... or it really could be the truth. Let's hope for Microsoft's sake that it isn't the truth because if it is then Microsoft is never going to be any competition for Google.

Microsoft's share of the search market is already down to single digits and without Yahoo! Microsoft is unlikely to ever reach a point where it will be a serious competition for Google. And that sort of situation will not be good for those of us who are involved in making money online. We really do need some strong competition for Google or otherwise Google will just set whatever rules it wants regarding search engine listings and we'll all have to comply or die ... figuratively speaking of course ... I hope.

Making changes to blogs
If you've got a blog that's making money then the idea of redesigning it can be a little daunting. What if things go wrong and the new design crashes your database and you lose all your data? What if all your readers disappear because they can't see your blog for a day or two?

It's something that often bothers me and I know Steve just about has to take a sedative anytime he starts thinking of updating the script or changing a design on one of his blogs. If you're like Steve then perhaps there's a plug in that can help. Theme Test Drive is available for WordPress and it claims that it will allow you to safely test drive any theme on your blog as administrator while visitors still get to see whatever the old design was.

You'll find it at prelovac.com/vladimir and from the comments that have been made about the plug in on that blog it seems that a lot of people have found the plug in to be really useful. One or two people have experienced some problems with it but the majority of people who have commented seem to be very happy.

SEO cheat sheet
While I'm on the subject of handy little plug ins, tips and tricks there's a useful PDF file available for download over at seomoz.org/blog. It's called the Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet and it's available for download right now. If you're just getting into search engine optimisation then you really will find it very useful.

So download a copy, print it off, laminate it and keep it handy because you will find yourself referring to it quite frequently.

Web 3.0?
It seems, according to some pundits, that we've just about reached the end of Web 2.0 ... you know, that period when everyone was getting online with blogs and Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. That's all out of date now because Web 3.0 is about to be launched.

And just what is Web 3.0 you might ask? Well before I answer that let me suggest that somehow some parts of the adult online industry have discovered Web 3.0 well before anyone else has ... in fact it's been around for a year or more in adult. According to some, Web 3.0 is all about making money from other people's content and when I read that a four-letter word immediately popped into my mind ... tube.

Now there is a perfect example of making money from other people's content.

Welcome to the future.