What is Your Marketing Missing?

Posted On: 2014-02-28

Did I hear someone say: "The mark."?

I certainly hope that your marketing isn't missing the mark but you will know it if it is. Your traffic will stay the same but your sales will be on a downward slide that never seems as though it will end.

So what can you do to try and improve things? Obviously if you're marketing is free sites and galleries there's probably not a whole lot that you think you can do because your hands are tied by the rules that the link lists and TGPs impose on you.

And if that is what you're thinking then maybe it's time to look at ways you can be a little creative with your marketing. Now don't think for a minute that I'm suggesting you do anything nasty or against those rules but maybe there are things you can try that might stand out to your porn surfers because they're different ... they're unusual ... maybe even a little intriguing ... maybe it's time to get inside their heads.

Let's face it ... in today's market just about anything is worth a try that's not going to burn you with your traffic sources. So let's look at some things that attract web users.

A list
A list? Am I seriously suggesting that you use a list?

Well ... yes I am because lists attract people. They want to see what's on your list of the five top mature porn sites ... the four hottest teen sites ... the three anal sites that will make you spooge your pants ... the three pornstars that every guy on the planet wants to bone.

I'm sure you get my drift ... so all you have to do is find a way to work something like that into your marketing because people can't resist lists.

Options give you more chances of making a sale ... did you know that? Studies have shown that if you advertise a product for sale with just a single price point you will make sales but many people will pass.

However if you offer an option ... a budget version of your product at a cheaper price ... then you will get more sales and most of them will be at the more expensive price point. If you really want to nail it and sell that original product you need to offer two options ... one cheaper and one more expensive option.

That then makes your original product at the original price point look more attractive and when something looks attractive then people will buy it.

Now how are you going to work options into your marketing?

The eyes have it
It's been well-known for many years that sexy women can sell just about anything but what isn't so well known is that sexy women's eyes can sell a whole lot more. You want to sell hardcore sex? Then don't focus on the dick in the pussy or the cum all over the girl's face ... focus on her eyes.

Choose an image that shows the girl looking into the camera and make sure her eyes are open wide ... the wider the better. Maybe even a little look of surprise on her face might be good but whatever you do, don't have her looking anywhere but straight into the camera.

Even in mainstream wide-eyed sexy women sell more products than hot babes who aren't looking at the camera.

Price Points
This one gets inside your head.

If your sponsor allows you to offer a range of price points then think carefully about which price point you should offer. Don't automatically target the price point that gives you the biggest return per sale because sometimes the lowest price point will put more money in your pocket because more people will buy in at the lowest price point than will buy in at the highest.

In many ways it ties in with the options I mentioned a few moments ago but this time you're the one who has to choose the option that's right for you.

The bottom line
You know, the whole idea about marketing ... whether you're selling porn or cars or toothpaste ... is to mess with the heads of the people you want to sell to. You have to use every trick you can find to make them believe that they can't live without the product you're selling.

If you can learn how to mess with people's heads you won't have to use any other trick to make a sale so you can be a saint as far as the link list and TGP owners are concerned ... and still make money.