What Plan B?

Posted On: 2013-09-13

So you've jumped into this industry and for a while you doubted that you would survive. You made nothing despite working incredibly long hours ... in fact you spent more money that you earned and you were surviving on hope.

Things looked really bleak ... the bills were mounting up ... there wasn't much food on your table ... heck even the thought of going back to flipping burgers or waiting tables was looking a whole lot better than another month of trying to peddle porn.

Despite that bleak outlook the cash slowly began to trickle in. Your plans for making money in this business were starting to produce results ... the trickle turned into something bigger ... the bills were being paid on time and there was decent food on your table once more.

Then that trickle that had turned into something bigger began to turn into a river of cash ... maybe not a raging torrent but at least you now had money to spend on something other than necessities.

Some people suggested that maybe you should take a break ... have a few days away with the family or your significant other ... recharge the batteries ... spend some of that money you're earning.

You weren't ready to do that just yet ... you knew that there was still a lot of hard work ahead of you ... but you did start to relax just a little ... maybe you bought a few luxury items simply because you could now afford them.

Life was good ... your websites were doing well ... the cash was flowing in ... yes you really did make the right decision when you decided to give up your low-pay day job and take on the challenge of being your own boss.

And then one day you while you were having breakfast you hit your usual webmaster board to catch up on all the gossip and right at the top of the board was a thread that made you want to puke. Your biggest sponsor ... the one that kept sending you all that cash ... had just gone belly up or they've just publicly called you as a cheat and announced that they're not going to pay you.You know you're innocent but that's not going to help you one little bit.

That big fat deposit that you were expecting to see in your bank account this month ... the one that you were depending on to pay your bills and buy food ... just wasn't going to happen and it's not going to happen next month or the month after that either.

Sure, you were wise enough not to put all your eggs in the one basket ... you have been using other sponsors ... but when you began to make serious money with that one sponsor you tended to let the other ones slide didn't you? I mean it's only common sense isn't it? Why waste time on sponsors who are only going to send you chump change when there's one sponsor who is really going to make you rich?

So things are really looking bad ... your major cash cow has disappeared in a puff of smoke and it's going to take you time to either find another big sponsor or ramp up promotion of those smaller sponsors.

Or perhaps you wake up one day and find that your websites have all disappeared. A hacker hit your server ... the hard drive on your server shattered into a gazillion pieces and there are not backups ... a sink hole opened up and swallowed your data centre. Whatever disaster might have happened you know there's no more income because there are no more websites

Of course in either scenario the end result means that you could be facing months of no ... or very low ... income. The river of cash that you depend on has either disappeared or is already turning back into a trickle and you can't afford that. You simply won't survive on a trickle of cash.

So it's time to turn to Plan B ... you know that it probably won't bring in the same level of income as what you were doing before disaster struck ... that's why it's Plan B but at least it will keep you going until you can get your cash flow back to the level it was before your worst nightmare came true. So it's time to suck it down princess and implement Plan B.

You do have a Plan B don't you? And while you're trying to remember what your Plan B was let me ask you another difficult question.

You have been putting money away for a rainy day haven't you? You haven't blown all your money on "stuff" and having nothing left to carry you over till Plan B starts producing money have you?

I hope you have both a rainy day fund and a Plan B because one day you're going to need them and if you don't have them you know what the result is going to be don't you?