Why Should I?

Posted On: 2014-02-06

Have you ever stopped to consider just how dumb some people can be?

Of course not everyone out there on the other side of your front door is dumb ... some are very intelligent ... but boy some are very dumb. And if you want to make money in this industry then you have to learn how to market to both the smart ones and the dumb ones.

So how dumb can people be? Well yesterday I had a client ask me how to Ctrl F and then she asked me why an employee of hers couldn't access a database ... it was only on the client's laptop and that computer wasn't networked in any way with the employee's machine.

Yes, some very dumb people will come to visit your websites and if you want to sell to them you have to know how to deal with their lack of intelligence and ... at the same time ... still encourage smarter people to buy what you're selling.

But is there a difference in the way you should target your message? Will one message work for smart and dumb people?

I don't believe there is a difference. Sure ... some people are brighter than others ... and dumb people can be really really Ctrl F dumb ... but the same approach will work with both types of people as long as you use simple concepts and language that everyone can understand.

And what is this approach that will work with smart and dumb people? You have to give them good ... valid ... believable reasons why they should buy your product.

You have to explain to them why their life will be so much better once they have bought what you're selling. You have to try and convince them that the product you're selling is so much better than other similar products that they may see around the Net or have even purchased before.

And as I said a moment ago ... you have to make your sales pitch believable. Don't make claims that are going to leave even the dumb people thinking that what you're saying is BS because nothing will turn them off buying your product faster.

Stick to the facts and if the facts of what you're selling aren't all that appealing then maybe it's time to find another adult product to sell.

So if you want to make sales then you must answer that question that everyone will ask ... "Why should I?" ... why should they buy from you. If you can give them the answer to that question then you're well on your way to making a sale.

But wait ... there's more. There's more to making a sale than just convincing them that your product is worth buying. There's something else you have to do to get that sale ... and you have to do it for the Ctrl F dummies as well as the smarter people that visit your sites.

You have to tell them in plain ... unequivocal language ... what they have to do next. You have to tell them to "Click Here" to buy your product. Those people who visit your site may like your product and they may have been convinced that buying your product will make their life so much better but if you don't tell them to take the next step then most of them won't.

Now I know that a lot of marketing gurus out there want to tell you that you don't need to tell them to "Click Here" is so last century and you don't need to tell them because people will do it anyway ... but the fact is that they won't.

Have you ever bought a car or a piece of furniture where the salesman didn't end his sales pitch with an invitation to go into the office and do the paperwork? Have you ever come across a salesman who delivered his sales pitch and then just stood there waiting for you to make the next move?

Of course not ... those guys know that they need to lead you through the whole sales process ... right up to the point where they smile and wave as you leave with your purchase ... so why is it so wrong to ask people to "Click Here"?

Perhaps we should even be more radical and ask people to "Buy Now". That call to action is something you rarely see on an adult website ... unless it's a site selling sex toys ... but why shouldn't we use it?

Why can't we be bold enough to use the word 'buy' in our call to action? Why do we have to pussyfoot around the subject of paying for something if we've been able to convince our surfers that their life would be miserable without the product we're selling?

Think about it ... do some testing ... see how it works for you.